Israel and its military trample Palestinian human rights on a daily basis. Here are just a few headlines from the last week that U.S. media ignored.
Tags: occupation
This is apartheid: Jewish supremacy from the River to the Sea
B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories – believes that “apartheid” is the only word to describe the accumulation of policies and laws in Israel devised to entrench control over Palestinians.
WATCH: Israeli forces killed 8 Palestinian children in 2020
These are their stories: eight short videos about eight short lives…
Action Alert! Tell Congress Issa Amro is a man of peace, not a criminal!
Issa Amro has been resisting Israel’s efforts to take over the Palestinian city of Hebron since 2003. A verdict is imminent in the sham trial against him, and he needs to know he’s not alone. Use this form to contact Congress – they voted to give Israel over $10 million per day; they must now tell Israel to cease its wrongdoing and drop all charges against Amro…
Joe Biden’s deep ties with Israel
Joe Biden has been in a love affair with Israel for decades. A scolding from Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin early on might have set the course.
Congress cranks out legislation for Israel: The details
Congress has been cranking out legislation that bankrolls & benefits Israel at a remarkable pace during the current congressional session. Here’s a comprehensive rundown…
Is the United Nations anti-Israel? – a survey of UN resolutions
The United Nations has passed an inordinate number of resolutions critical of Israel (at least seven hundred), but very few critical of Palestine. Is there a good reason for this high number, or is this a case of anti-Israel bias? – or worse yet, anti-Semitism? This analysis breaks it down.
Republican platform panders to Israel zealots
The Republican National Committee platform of 2016, resurrected for 2020, will once again genuflect before Israel – ignoring the realities of human rights, international law, and logic.
Draft Democratic platform fails to endorse justice for Palestinians
Palestinian rights are becoming mainstream, and support for Israel is declining – especially among Democrats. But you’d never guess it from the Democratic Party platform. (If you’re not happy with this, there’s a place you can upload a short video telling the DNC what you want the platform to contain…)
WATCH: Daily Life in Occupied Palestine
YouTube has restricted our video and placed an unusually dire content warning on it. Please see our related article for the full details and to demand they stop the censorship. Most Americans, whose government gives Israel over $10 million per day, have no idea that Israel commits human rights abuses every single day, since US…