Tags: international law

ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286

Int’l Court of Justice deals a severe blow to Israel; at least 50 killed in Gaza; Israel’s killing of Hind Rajab a war crime; West Bank deaths; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port in Israel declares bankruptcy; calls for Israel to be “unseated” from UN; 200 Congress staffers call for boycott of Netanyahu speech; more.

Two horrific Israeli massacres leave over 110 Palestinians dead – Day 280

Netanyahu alone is calling the shots as Israel’s massacre of 90 Palestinians in Mawasi camp misses Hamas target, but kills ceasefire talks; massive bombs may have been US-made; US Defense Sec’y stands by Israel’s decision to attack; UN special rapporteur says attack was a violation of int’l law; a separate attack in Shati refugee camp kills 20; Palestinian journalist killed; unimaginable humanitarian crisis; dangerous situation in West Bank; more.

Israel’s response to ICJ ruling: bomb more – Day 231

Friday’s ruling by International Court of Justice welcomed by legal experts; not by Israel; some people in Gaza surviving on three per cent of the minimum standard for daily water needs; Media Freedom Coalition on the closure of Al Jazeera in Israel; Gaza pier is broken; first arrest made over UCLA counterprotester violence; Harvard graduation protest; more

As it defends its planned genocidal Rafah invasion before ICJ, Israel vows to “intensify” raids – Day 223

Israel prepares a large-scale attack on Rafah, after massive destruction in the north and massive loss of life; aid orgs running out of medical supplies, food; West Bank also under attack; HRW reports on Israel’s failure to follow ICJ’s orders – as Israel is hauled up before the court yet again; multiple countries (not including US) pressure Israel to comply with int’l law; Japan calls out Lindsay Graham’s bad taste; US-built pier is operational; Texas governor Greg Abbott sued; more

Fighter jets, attack drones hammer Rafah; catastrophe looms – Day 217

Israel expands its attack of Rafah; Biden admin reports that Israeli use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza “likely violated international humanitarian law”; food catastrophe looms as Israel continues to block aid trucks; South Africa wants ICJ to intervene in Rafah; UN General Assembly strongly supports Palestine’s quest for statehood; Israel withholds millions it owes Palestinian Authority; UN wants investigation into mass graves in Gaza