Tags: Rafah

Israel carries out another tent massacre in Rafah – Day 259

Israel continues to bring death and destruction to Gaza; no high school graduates this year; medical supplies running out; CNN War Reporter says Gaza worst Israel kills several in West Bank; Israel hands power to illegal settlers; Israel says no internet for Gaza; Netanyahu warns Israel will “turn Beirut into Gaza” if confllct escalates; Columbia U update; another high-level resignation from State Dept., more

Israel’s “Flour Massacres” are back; another damning UN report – Day 257

“Safe zones” are death zones, aid seekers bombed; “brutal torture”; farmland destroyed; UN reports on indiscriminate attacks; growing dissent in US military against Gaza war; Alison Weir on Mawasi; Biden admin reportedly delaying weapons transfer; Tucker & Greenwald discuss suppression of free speech on behalf of Israel; more.

Alarm over unexploded ordnance, depleted uranium in Gaza – Day 248

Gaza pier: futile – or worse?; Questions about Gazan journalist; Americans reject arming Israel; the dangers of unexploded ordnance & depleted uranium in Gaza; US’s support for a ceasefire; Israeli prisoners, like Gazans, are malnourished; Israeli forces kill 6 Palestinians in West Bank; more on Briahna Joy Gray firing…

Biden policies: Rudderless, incompetent and complicit

Washington’s diplomacy on Gaza is held hostage by a domestic political narrative on Palestine that has long been divorced from reality and reason… Countries around the world no longer look to the US as a responsible actor…

Gaza famine intensifies; Israeli government is on a collision course – Day 239

Rafah is rubble, essentially without food, medical services; child dies of starvation; Jabalia in ruins; Israeli forces kill Palestinian journalist in Gaza, teenager in West Bank; ceasefire deal on the table, but Netanyahu wants total victory first; extremist ministers threaten to topple Israeli government; Netanyahu accepts invitation to speak before Congress; Finkelstein says Israel lobby dominates through wielding its wealth; Chile joins ICJ genocide case against Israel; …

Ceasefire deal on the table, as Gazans survey the wreckage – Day 238

Biden presents ceasefire deal, Netanyahu says “non-starter”; Israel withdraws from Jabalia, leaving corpses, destruction, signs of ethnic cleansing in its wake; conditions in Rafah are “horrific and apocalyptic”; more mass graves discovered; Israel has made one third of Gaza “uninhabitable”; Blinken’s feeble commentary on Gaza’s famine; experts say Israel could have used smaller weapons, avoided mass casualties in Rafah last week; AND YET Congress invites Netanyahu to speak.

Israel is trying to designate UNRWA as a terrorist org – Day 236

Palestinians in Rafah & across Gaza grapple with ongoing Israeli violence, starvation; UN experts call for embargo; another expert identifies genocide – while a nurse in US gets fired for doing the same; Israel’s covert war on the ICC, Mossad threatened prosecutor; EU rejects Israel’s designation of UNRWA as terrorist org; Biden admin won’t sanction ICC; US appears to scold Israel at UN…

Israel’s response to ICJ ruling: bomb more – Day 231

Friday’s ruling by International Court of Justice welcomed by legal experts; not by Israel; some people in Gaza surviving on three per cent of the minimum standard for daily water needs; Media Freedom Coalition on the closure of Al Jazeera in Israel; Gaza pier is broken; first arrest made over UCLA counterprotester violence; Harvard graduation protest; more