Tags: safe zone

Two horrific Israeli massacres leave over 110 Palestinians dead – Day 280

Netanyahu alone is calling the shots as Israel’s massacre of 90 Palestinians in Mawasi camp misses Hamas target, but kills ceasefire talks; massive bombs may have been US-made; US Defense Sec’y stands by Israel’s decision to attack; UN special rapporteur says attack was a violation of int’l law; a separate attack in Shati refugee camp kills 20; Palestinian journalist killed; unimaginable humanitarian crisis; dangerous situation in West Bank; more.

“Safe zone” massacre, hospital gutted, shelter flattened – just another day in Gaza – Day 279

Massive casualties in Mawasi “safe zone”; “planned massacre” in Gaza City; UNRWA finds international support while under Israeli attack; West Bank deaths; 46,000 Israeli businesses closed since October 7th; obstinacy from Netanyahu; US seeks new way to help Israel dodge ICC arrest warrants; Sanders says, amid election frenzy, “we must not forget Gaza”; more.

Israel’s “Flour Massacres” are back; another damning UN report – Day 257

“Safe zones” are death zones, aid seekers bombed; “brutal torture”; farmland destroyed; UN reports on indiscriminate attacks; growing dissent in US military against Gaza war; Alison Weir on Mawasi; Biden admin reportedly delaying weapons transfer; Tucker & Greenwald discuss suppression of free speech on behalf of Israel; more.

Disaster unfolds all over Gaza, West Bank – Day 219

Gaza deaths by airstrike, lack of medical supplies, hunger, torture; what is happening in Gaza is a ‘turkey shoot’; Nobel laureate denounces Gaza invasion at Vatican; Gaza prisoners endure ‘barbaric treatment’ by Israeli forces; 226 buildings in West Bank destroyed or damaged by Israeli army in April; Israeli forces use children as human shields;
Colombia President: Netanyahu will go down in history as ‘genocide perpetrator’

Debris undoubtedly hides booby traps, unexploded ordnance, asbestos – Day 208

Danger in the debris; humanitarian aid entering Gaza still very low; Blinken pressures Hamas to accept truce proposal; hundreds of Gazans missing in Israel; will Knesset shutter Al Jazeera?; Netanyahu doesn’t want war to end; Israelis attack aid convoy; 2 Palestinian prisoners including a doctor die behind bars; up to 80 years to repair Gaza homes; threat of ICC arrest warrants has Israel, US worried; another pro-Israel bill in Congress; campus repression of pro-Palestine protests intensifies

Israeli Troops First Shot a Gaza Journalist’s Left Leg, Then His Right. And They Didn’t Stop There

Yousef Kronz was well within Israel’s designated “safe zone” in Gaza, wearing a Press vest, when he was shot in both legs. A young man who ran to help him was shot in the leg as well. Then Israel refused Yousef passage to the West Bank for treatment that would have saved at least one of his legs.