Tags: evacuation

Israeli soldier threatens mutiny – “We want to annihilate them” – Day 232

Israeli strikes kill Palestinians just trying to survive; more evacuations; Israeli torture methods; Gaza hospitals in crisis; Israel searches for loopholes in ICJ ruling; 2nd grade Jewish girls meet with White House officials; Hamas rockets hit Tel Aviv; Gaza pier can’t take the rough seas; Hamas claims it captured Israeli soldiers, Israel denies; EU visits West Bank, condemn settler violence; campus protests in Germany, more…

On Nakba Day, as Palestinians run for their lives, Biden advances  billion in arms sales to Israel – Day 221

Palestinians in Gaza can’t seem to run fast enough to keep up with Israeli evacuation orders; can’t dig airstrike victims out of the rubble; Israel reportedly was aware of UN car that it bombed, killing a high-ranking international worker; Israeli police reportedly knew about aid convoy and allowed its destruction; Israel appears ready for a full-scale invasion of Rafah; Ben Gvir calls for expulsion; Palestinian killed in West Bank; Biden seeks approval for another $1 billion in military sales to Israel; campus protest update, more

Israeli settlers destroy truckloads of aid, as Israeli forces watch, Gazans starve – Day 220

Humanitarian aid trucks attacked (not for the first time); US is angry but impotent (not for the first time); Israel targets aid worker’s car, has no explanation (not for the first time); 450,000 Gazans evacuated from shelters (not for the first time); incitement by Israeli settlers, ministers; US military officer resigns; DNC afraid to hold debate about Gaza; campus protest update; more

Disaster unfolds all over Gaza, West Bank – Day 219

Gaza deaths by airstrike, lack of medical supplies, hunger, torture; what is happening in Gaza is a ‘turkey shoot’; Nobel laureate denounces Gaza invasion at Vatican; Gaza prisoners endure ‘barbaric treatment’ by Israeli forces; 226 buildings in West Bank destroyed or damaged by Israeli army in April; Israeli forces use children as human shields;
Colombia President: Netanyahu will go down in history as ‘genocide perpetrator’

“This morning is one of the darkest in this 7-month-long nightmare,” “The Israeli occupation has sentenced the residents of the Strip to death” – Day 213

Terror in Rafah as Israeli troops move in – in spite of Hamas’ agreement to ceasefire deal; 600,000 children at risk; Israel’s evacuation plan for Rafah does not meet with US approval, and may be a violation of int’l law; Netanyahu is on the hook for ceasefire decision and leaked “top secret” letter from 2018; UN experts on sexual assault of Palestinians; Republican senators threaten ICC prosecutor; campus protest and Freedom Flotilla news, more

Gaza will “take lifetimes to rebuild” – Day 115

Gaza City evacuation; Israel blocks aid; stolen Palestinian bodies returned, possible organ theft; war could be very long; UNRWA recap & details of accusations; US wants speedy investigation into UNRWA allegations (but won’t touch genocide and war crime allegations against Israel); extremist Israeli leaders & followers celebrate “voluntary immigration” of Palestinians and Jewish resettlement of Gaza as as “the most moral and logical solution”

Gaza pumping stations stop, sewage is “flowing in the streets” – Day 63

Israeli forces committed 20 massacres, wiping out entire families, kill 9 Palestinians in West Bank, Israeli military kills hostage it’s trying to rescue, Blinken bypasses weapons sale protocol for Israel, Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) casts lone “nay” on pro-Israel resolution, prominent Jewish organizations launch new centralized communications operation to advocate for Israel