Tags: Biden

Terrifying Israeli attack on Rafah, more mass graves, more int’l law violations – Day 214

Rafah nightmare; another cache of buried Gazan bodies; Israeli hostage dies from Israeli bombing; evacuation orders not compliant with int’l law; Biden drags feet on Israel report; settlers attack aid trucks (again) as famine grows; cousin of extremist Meir Kahane rams Columbia pro-Palestine protesters; US reportedly delays shipment of one-ton bombs to Israel; news on ceasefire proposal…

Israeli cruelty reaches new low; United Methodists divest from Israel – Day 209

Israel booby-traps food, snipes at aid-seekers (again), withholds bodies of Palestinians who died in inhumane prison conditions, threatens PA over ICC possible arrest warrants; antisemitism bill offers Israel impunity; United Methodists divest; World Press Freedom Day honors Palestinian journalists; Turkey breaks trade relations with Israel; Biden speech throws pro-Palestine protesters under the bus; protests spread across the globe; former CIA officer “welcomes the student rebellion against Israeli atrocities”

Final count: bodies of 392 Gazan Palestinians discovered in mass graves – Day 202

Gruesome discoveries on Gaza hospital grounds; Israeli strike kills Belgian aid worker & son, 7; premature baby girl has died; another US State Dept employee resigns; military-industrial complex profits from weapon sales to Israel; “Biden has betrayed the soul of our nation”; Freedom Flotilla: Israel plays dirty (again); nonviolent campus protests spread, met with violence

Promises broken: Israel is still obstructing the entrance of aid to Gaza – Day 194

Israel steadfastly starves Gaza; horror in Beit Hanoun; Israeli settlers displace entire communities of Palestinians; Executing Palestinian detainees best way to combat prison overcrowding – Israeli minister; Biden op-ed begs for more money for Israel…

Iran retaliates against Israeli aggression, as Gaza and West Bank struggle – Day 190

Iran’s unprecedented retaliatory attack on Israel; US experts say Israel trying to involve US in war against Iran; Israel’s ongoing massacres, threats against Gaza; Israel’s allies’ attempt to bully pro-Palestinian, pro-justice voices; West Bank struggles against massive settler attacks