Tags: free speech

Israel has killed over 2,500 Palestinians every month since ICJ ruling – Day 284

ICJ genocide ruling apparently meaningless to Israel, as Palestinian deaths, torture continue apace; Gaza pier debacle comes to an end; water crisis for Palestinian residents of Jerusalem; Israel demolishes high number of West Bank structures; Netanyahu says No to October 7th investigation; Israeli gov’t continues racist, anti-free speech actions; US sanctions one Israeli soldier for years-old crime; more.

After Israeli withdrawal, “the devastation is colossal” in Jabiliya – Day 237

Jabaliya is destroyed; Palestinian paramedics targeted; heart-wrenching video “Dad is gone”; women at risk; UNRWA as “terrorist organization”; two more State Department officials resign over Gaza; horrors across the West Bank; police clear out pro-Palestine protesters at Wayne State U in Detroit; candidate ousted from UK party over “likes,” more

As it defends its planned genocidal Rafah invasion before ICJ, Israel vows to “intensify” raids – Day 223

Israel prepares a large-scale attack on Rafah, after massive destruction in the north and massive loss of life; aid orgs running out of medical supplies, food; West Bank also under attack; HRW reports on Israel’s failure to follow ICJ’s orders – as Israel is hauled up before the court yet again; multiple countries (not including US) pressure Israel to comply with int’l law; Japan calls out Lindsay Graham’s bad taste; US-built pier is operational; Texas governor Greg Abbott sued; more

Israeli cruelty reaches new low; United Methodists divest from Israel – Day 209

Israel booby-traps food, snipes at aid-seekers (again), withholds bodies of Palestinians who died in inhumane prison conditions, threatens PA over ICC possible arrest warrants; antisemitism bill offers Israel impunity; United Methodists divest; World Press Freedom Day honors Palestinian journalists; Turkey breaks trade relations with Israel; Biden speech throws pro-Palestine protesters under the bus; protests spread across the globe; former CIA officer “welcomes the student rebellion against Israeli atrocities”

Debris undoubtedly hides booby traps, unexploded ordnance, asbestos – Day 208

Danger in the debris; humanitarian aid entering Gaza still very low; Blinken pressures Hamas to accept truce proposal; hundreds of Gazans missing in Israel; will Knesset shutter Al Jazeera?; Netanyahu doesn’t want war to end; Israelis attack aid convoy; 2 Palestinian prisoners including a doctor die behind bars; up to 80 years to repair Gaza homes; threat of ICC arrest warrants has Israel, US worried; another pro-Israel bill in Congress; campus repression of pro-Palestine protests intensifies

Final count: bodies of 392 Gazan Palestinians discovered in mass graves – Day 202

Gruesome discoveries on Gaza hospital grounds; Israeli strike kills Belgian aid worker & son, 7; premature baby girl has died; another US State Dept employee resigns; military-industrial complex profits from weapon sales to Israel; “Biden has betrayed the soul of our nation”; Freedom Flotilla: Israel plays dirty (again); nonviolent campus protests spread, met with violence

Biden announces: B in US tax money to Israel will “make the world safer” – Day 201

Biden signs over more aid to Israel, as its military may be using internationally banned weapons, burying civilians alive, killing another journalist, enabling famine and disease, and preparing to invade the most densely populated region of the world; meanwhile, teenager killed in West Bank, Turkiye is being pressured to stop a massive aid shipment from sailing to Gaza; meanwhile, college campuses’ growing outcry against the genocide in Gaza, and more

Save the Children: Gaza’s children suffer “complete psychological destruction” – Day 158

Save the Children report on Gaza youth; more aid-seekers killed; food reaches northern Gaza at last; sea corridor won’t make much of a splash; assassination of bike rider in Gaza; 5,000 people in Gaza have acquired disabilities over the past 5 months; at least 5 killed in West Bank; 8 US senators send letter to Biden, demand an ultimatum: expand aid to Gaza or lose US aid; advocacy for Palestinian rights faces silencing at UPenn & Columbia…