Category: Christians

Israeli treatment of Christians, Christian actions regarding Israel, Bible regarding Israel

Journalist Jeremy Loffredo visits the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, where a community of Armenian Christians dating back to the 4th century face displacement at the hands of a shadowy Israeli corporation called Xana Capital and the violent settlers it uses as hired muscle.

After 2 months of Israeli failure, ICJ repeats demand for aid to Gaza – Day 174

ICJ losing patience with Israel; US is “playing a dangerous game”; Israel prepares for Rafah invasion; hospital siege drags on with hundreds killed; Israel’s restrictions on Easter celebrations; US not consulting with Palestinians about “day after” in Gaza; Israel not getting every weapon it ordered, but has a new billion-dollar spy plane; Israel attack on Syria; Jewish Dems org going after pro-Palestine Congress members, more

13,000+ Gazans killed since US vetoed last ceasefire; another veto expected this week – Day 135

UN Security Council to vote on ceasefire; Israeli snipers fire on Gazans congregating for food aid; hospital sinking deeper; Pope declines to pray for Israel; Israel plans 4-hour pauses in fighting so Gazans can stock up on food – but there isn’t any; Israel’s cabinet refuses a Palestinian state; ICJ case starts on Israeli occupation; estimate of how many Hamas fighters have been killed; plans to limit Muslim attendance at Al Aqsa Mosque; record hunger levels in Gaza…

Nightmare in healthcare facilities, as Netanyahu repeats opposition to Palestinian state – Day 134

Healthcare in Gaza without health or care; Biden admin in denial about Netanyahu’s intentions, plans more weapons transfers; American Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church comes out against US military aid to Israel; Israel reportedly attacked Iran gas pipelines, and more

“Water is life, and Gaza is out of water” – Day 121

Gaza’s journalists; Israel imprisoned for almost 2 months an 82-year-old Gaza woman with Alzheimer’s disease; Israel makes accusations, provides no evidence against UNRWA, then freezes bank account; spitting at Christian clergy in Jerusalem; West Bank demolitions; Israeli leaders lie, then come clean about an unauthorized Telegram channel that dehumanized Palestinians; Wall Street Journal’s Islamophobic op-ed; latest on US attempts to rationalize strikes in the Middle East; Israel to import workers to replace Palestinians; Bernie Sanders says”no aid to Israel” as Congress is saying yes

Gaza humanitarian crisis “absolutely unprecedented and staggering” – Day 72

Palestinian journalists under fire; Archbishop of Westminster weighs in on “cold-blooded killing” of Catholic women in Gaza; Gaza detainees’ situation looks dire; Gaza hospitals struggling; starvation as a “weapon”; environmental disaster; declaration on genocide