Tags: war crime

UN: Israel committing “deliberate war crimes” against Gaza’s healthcare system – Day 390

Israel destroys medical supplies, blocks medics from entering Gaza; more reports of abuse in Israeli prison; Gaza aid at its lowest level yet; Israel using facial recognition technology in Gaza; Israel also decimating Lebanon and its healthcare workers; 3 Palestinians assassinated in West Bank; more.

“This is an extremely dark place in history” – Day 348

UN Child Rights Committee condemns Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children; Rashida Tlaib: “Palestinians are human beings”; electricity blackout as a tool of genocide; West Bank deaths; Israeli Supreme Court orders Sde Teiman prison to stay open after rape scandal; Hezbollah leader vows “just retribution” for Israel’s pager explosions; exploding electronics might be war crimes; no ceasefire expected while Biden in office; UVA refuses to divest after student referendum

Israel kills quintuplets, as Biden insists “both sides” are dying – Day 317 Roundup

Gazan quintuplets murdered by Israeli bomb; another Palestinian journalist killed; babies need medical attention in hospitals that are about to shut down; doctor from Gaza speaks at DNC – a first; Israeli society supports gang rape of Palestinians; 413 humanitarian orgs call on UN to assure safety of humanitarian workers in Gaza; West Bank death; HRW: Israeli possible war crime against Yemen; Scottish gov’t not speaking to Israel; more.

Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 100 people as they pray – Day 307

Israel drops 6,000 lbs of bombs on Gaza school; US poised to send Israel $3.5 billion, including to extremist battalion; 2 more journalists killed; waiting for “inevitable” polio outbreak as Israel blocks vaccines; new possible war crime; water & sanitation systems in shambles; more on Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners – as Biden admin shrugs; Israeli alleged rapist calls for support; yet another anti-boycott bill introduced in Senate; more.

Corpse dump in Gaza, war crimes, Israel mulls possible preemptive strike on Iran – Day 303

Israel hands over bags of decomposed bodies; Amnesty: Israel committing war crimes against Palestinian prisoners; US reportedly signs off on indefinite war; Hamas is in better shape than Netanyahu claims; Israel may hit Iran again; Netanyahu makes Israeli ethnic cleansing proponent official spokesperson; Smotrich makes blatant pro-ethnic cleansing statements; update on UNRWA October 7th probe; US is in the middle of Middle East activities; more.