Tags: apartheid

Fear, hunger and displacement follows Israel’s worsening abuse of Palestinians in Hebron

Restrictions on movement, severe shortage of jobs as Israel has shut its labour market in the face of the 400,000 Palestinians it employed, with many families now facing hunger and starvation.

Big truths that RFK Jr ignores in his eagerness to support Israel

Longtime journalist Chris Hedges offers a partial inventory of Israel’s documented human rights abuses of Palestinians – massive abuses that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. chooses to ignore: the crimes of apartheid, and the targeting and torturing of civilians, to name a few. As Hedges reminds us, to support this Israel is to “justify the unjustifiable”; and to protest Israeli policy is “a political death wish.” (part 3)

News roundup from Israel & Palestine: Imprisoned for a hat, etc

Just because you don’t see Israel/Palestine in the headlines, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Every day, Israel finds new & more cruel ways to treat Palestinians (& their allies), and Palestinians continue to resist their oppressors.

Labs of Oppression, Part Three: Palestinians as an “obstacle”

In Part Three of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign to rid the land of Palestinians, read about the current situation under Israel’s extremist government, and Israel’s ruthless efforts to evict Palestinian Bedouin inside Israel from their historic land and lifestyle.

Labs of Oppression, Part One: Masafer Yatta

The Intercept recently featured an in-depth article describing Israel’s decades-long campaign of discrimination and violence against Palestinians – in a way that begins to capture the magnitude of the injustice. The many forms of mistreatment require a lengthy article. IAK has broken it into four manageable parts which we will release over the next several days.
In Part One, read about the case of the hamlets of Masafer Yatta, where Israeli policy is trying to force Palestinians to leave – either by discriminatory legislation or intimidation and violence.