Tags: apartheid

Int’l medical community must call out Israel’s medical cruelty & war crimes

Israel has destroyed Palestinian hospitals, attacked patients, denied medical travel permits & targeted healthcare workers…The American Medical Association has issued press releases calling the targeting of healthcare workers in Ukraine “unconscionable.” They must also do this for Palestinians…

Shireen Abu Akleh’s death exposes Israel for what it is – a murderous regime

A comprehensive report on Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder, and why it played out the way it did. Her story, like that of the Palestinian people, is one of courage in the face of injustice. In mourning her murder, let us acknowledge the facts of Palestinian life – and death.

Israel ‘top priority’ is to discredit UN, Rapporteur says Israel commits apartheid

UN Special Rapporteur reports that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid… Israel is planning a campaign to discredit a UN investigation, concerned that it will refer to Israel as an “Apartheid state” and its findings could damage Israel’s reputation among progressives in the West…

Challenge to Israel’s Supporters: Tell Me What’s Untrue in Amnesty’s Report on Israel

Israel and its partisans want to ignore the new Amnesty Int’l report on Israeli apartheid, claiming it’s “antisemitic.” Gideon Levy insists, “What is written in the report does not stem from antisemitism, but will help strengthen it. Israel is the greatest motivator of antisemitic urges in the world today.”

During a State Department briefing, reporters pressed spokesman Ned Price on the recent report by Amnesty International that Israel is perpetrating apartheid, and also asked him about the recent death of an 80-year-old American at the hands of Israeli soldiers. When Price said the US rejects Amnesty’s report, reporter Matt Lee pointed out that the State Dept uses Amnesty reports on numerous other nations. Read the facts here…