Tags: Gideon Levy

Milestone in Israeli war on Gaza: 15,694 kids killed, 17,000 without parents – Day 250

Catastrophic famine; MSF says latest massacres illustrate disregard for Palestinian lives; ceasefire proposal confusion; bodies as bargaining chips; shooting in Jerusalem’s Old City; Israel says “no innocent civilians” in Gaza; the Day After; Hezbollah; Gideon Levy on Israel’s lost conscience…

Gazans have begun starving to death, as US withholds funding to UNRWA – Day 114

In Gaza, starvation has become a reality, not just a risk – still Israel withholds aid; Khan Younis under intense bombardment as refugees try to flee; UN’s Francesca Albanese says withholding funding from UNRWA aids and abets genocide; Gideon Levy describes West Bank shepherds going bankrupt; Israelis hold conference about resettling Gaza; Arab Americans don’t want to talk politics with Biden “while there’s a genocide unfolding”; Nancy Pelosi goes full McCarthy, alleging a link between Palestine protesters and Putin; US leaders blame Iran for deaths of 3 American troops in Jordan – Iran begs to differ

Gideon Levy: Palestinians are prohibited from defending their families from violent aggression

There aren’t many populations in the world as helpless as the Palestinians who live in their own country. No one protects their lives and property. They are totally abandoned to their fates. Their houses and cars can be torched, their fields set on fire. It’s all right to shoot them mercilessly, killing old people and babies, with no defense forces at their side. No police, no military: no one…

Gideon Levy: Israel Wants Another Intifada

Gideon Levy asks, what did you expect? No people that has suffered as the Palestinian people has suffered will remain quiet, and that includes the Palestinian people between Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, and Jenin in the West Bank. Of course they will resist Israel’s brutal occupation, and it’s what Israel wants: an intifada, an excuse to spill Palestinian blood.

Challenge to Israel’s Supporters: Tell Me What’s Untrue in Amnesty’s Report on Israel

Israel and its partisans want to ignore the new Amnesty Int’l report on Israeli apartheid, claiming it’s “antisemitic.” Gideon Levy insists, “What is written in the report does not stem from antisemitism, but will help strengthen it. Israel is the greatest motivator of antisemitic urges in the world today.”

Palestinian senior citizen dies after hit-and-run by Israeli police

On January 5th, an Israeli tow truck escorted by a police vehicle hit Suleiman Hathaleen and dragged him several meters. Then both Israeli vehicles fled. Official Israeli narrative of the incident doesn’t even mention that a Palestinian had been struck. Hathaeen died Sunday of his injuries. His death was just the latest incident in a long, revealing story…

Two Million People Are Imprisoned for 15 Years. The New Barrier Will Remain There Forever

This is what the fence of a ghetto looks like, of a prison, of a concentration camp. Only in Israel do they celebrate the building of a concentration camp. Only the skies of the ghetto are still open, and that is in a limited fashion too. Coming soon, the next devilish invention of the defense establishment: A dome of iron, a huge ceiling over the skies of Gaza. The head of the “border and seamline” administration is already working on it… Two million people have been imprisoned continuously for 15 years – there has never been another concentration camp like it…