Tags: israeli settlement

Chaos in Gaza, West Bank, and spreading – Day 266

Israel impedes Gaza emergency services, hygiene and trash disposal; Israeli forces killed with their own (repurposed) bomb; US has sent Israel tens of thousands of bombs; debate notes; updates on Lebanon, ICC arrest warrants; Israel is starving Palestinian prisoners, approving new settlements; Gaza pier shutting down again; more.

A first: US official acknowledges “famine is underway” in Gaza – Day 188

US official finally uses the f-word (famine); Iran retaliation for provocative Israeli attack possibly this weekend; Wash Post lists Gaza aid items Israel has rejected; Israel assassinates head of police in Gaza; Israelis block aid trucks to Gaza; Palestinian journalists targeted; Israel kills 2 in West Bank; Israel steals record amount of WB land in 2024 (and the year is still young)

Israel has killed or wounded a “staggering” 5% of Gaza’s population – Day 152

Israel kills Gazans by every method: airstrike, starvation, imprisonment, shooting, stillbirth; South Africa calls for stronger language from ICJ to end the famine in Gaza; flour shipment from US still sitting in port after nearly 7 weeks – enough to feed 1.5 million Gazans for five months; West Bank violence and illegal construction; WaPo says the US has “quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza war began”; poll: majority of Americans want weapons shipments to stop, more

Israel has killed over 3,800 Gazans in 4 weeks since ICJ genocide ruling – Day 140

Reports of ongoing acts of genocide, war crimes, and despair; end of UNRWA aid to northern Gaza; West Bank restriction of movement; Blinken is “disappointed” about new settlement plans; update on ICJ occupation case; more

The amount of force Israel is using against the people of Gaza is “staggering” – Day 138

Israeli military gets slap on the wrist for unacceptable conduct; Israel may shut down Al Jazeera; IDF kills men, women & childen in Gaza, West Bank; Palestinian olive production takes a big hit; Israeli killed near settlement; 23 Americans killed fighting for Israel; US congressman incites genocide; Day Three of Int’l Court of Justice proceedings against Israeli occupation; and more

Israeli snipers, tanks, drones positioned to fire on any signs of life in Khan Younis – Day 109

Khan Younis the site of intense fighting, peril; info on US teen Tawfiq Ajaq killed by Israel; starvation; Israelis in US to buy weapons; 24 Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza; West Bank death; Israeli settlements in Gaza?; Houthi update; US Supreme Court dismisses case against Palestine advocacy organization

News roundup from Israel & Palestine: Imprisoned for a hat, etc

Just because you don’t see Israel/Palestine in the headlines, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Every day, Israel finds new & more cruel ways to treat Palestinians (& their allies), and Palestinians continue to resist their oppressors.

Palestinian senior citizen dies after hit-and-run by Israeli police

On January 5th, an Israeli tow truck escorted by a police vehicle hit Suleiman Hathaleen and dragged him several meters. Then both Israeli vehicles fled. Official Israeli narrative of the incident doesn’t even mention that a Palestinian had been struck. Hathaeen died Sunday of his injuries. His death was just the latest incident in a long, revealing story…