Tags: icj

ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286

Int’l Court of Justice deals a severe blow to Israel; at least 50 killed in Gaza; Israel’s killing of Hind Rajab a war crime; West Bank deaths; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port in Israel declares bankruptcy; calls for Israel to be “unseated” from UN; 200 Congress staffers call for boycott of Netanyahu speech; more.

Gaza: Civil ICC case against Ursula von der Leyen raises stakes on genocide complicity

Experts are urging the ICC to investigate the European Commission president over her alleged support for Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people.

UNICEF: “Children dying of infections”; Israel claims to be opening bakeries, allowing more aid in – Day 185

Israel is making big promises to the people of Gaza; State of Palestine UN application; “it will happen,” Netanyahu says of Rafah invasion; 400 bodies recovered so far around Al Shifa Hospital; 84 so far in Khan Younis; raid on mourning tent of Walid Daqqa; Germany denies aiding Gaza genocide at ICJ; academics accuse Israel of “scholasticide,” more

After 2 months of Israeli failure, ICJ repeats demand for aid to Gaza – Day 174

ICJ losing patience with Israel; US is “playing a dangerous game”; Israel prepares for Rafah invasion; hospital siege drags on with hundreds killed; Israel’s restrictions on Easter celebrations; US not consulting with Palestinians about “day after” in Gaza; Israel not getting every weapon it ordered, but has a new billion-dollar spy plane; Israel attack on Syria; Jewish Dems org going after pro-Palestine Congress members, more

“Gaza has shattered humanity’s records for its darkest chapters” – Day 172

“Hellish’ conditions throughout Gaza; 3 Palestinians killed in West Bank; Hezbollah’s promise to leave Israel alone; US may take till May to decide whether Israel is in compliance with int’l law; Israel: “UN resolution means nothing”; post-UN resolution, post-ICJ decision, Israel has made no changes; US refuses to stop aid airdrops after 18  deaths; “there could have been milk”; UN confirms genocide charge; who is arming Israel?

“Staggering escalation” in childhood malnutrition in Gaza – Day 161

Children starve, parents searching for food are killed – as humanitarian ship unloads millions of meals; is Rafah invasion imminent?; illegal buffer zone may be half mile wide; West Bank death; the Elders chide Biden; EU leader accuses Israel of weaponizing food; Nicaragua to have its day in court vs. Germany for “facilitating genocide”; Australia to restart donations to UNRWA; more

Netanyahu: “Gazans are not starving”; over 400 aid-seekers killed in 2 weeks – Day 157

Netanyahu in denial about famine in Gaza, as more die of starvation; Israeli forces again opened fire on aid-seekers, killing at least 11; Israel will self-investigate assassination of elderly, deaf Gazan man; parts of Khan Younis leveled; mercy ship “Open Arms” headed from Cyprus to Gaza; West Bank deaths; Israel’s failure to comply with ICJ orders; support for Zionism in the US is on the decline; more

Israel has killed or wounded a “staggering” 5% of Gaza’s population – Day 152

Israel kills Gazans by every method: airstrike, starvation, imprisonment, shooting, stillbirth; South Africa calls for stronger language from ICJ to end the famine in Gaza; flour shipment from US still sitting in port after nearly 7 weeks – enough to feed 1.5 million Gazans for five months; West Bank violence and illegal construction; WaPo says the US has “quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza war began”; poll: majority of Americans want weapons shipments to stop, more

Israeli snipers target “thousands” of Gazans waiting for food aid  – Day 143

Israel picks off hungry people as they wait for food, while severely limiting the amount of food allowed into Gaza; International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Journalists; Gaza Red Crescent ceases operations temporarily due to Israeli attacks on its teams; West Bank home demolitions up sharply; impact of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation; ICJ; Israel lobby promotes Biden; Hillel pushes support for Israel