Tags: military industrial complex

Congratulations AIPAC on 500th air delivery of US weapons to kill Gazans – Day 324

US averages over one planeload of weapons per day to Israel; another evacuation order, another disruption in aid for Gazans; new statements from Amnesty, Human Rights Watch on Israeli atrocities; Hezbollah ready to stop trading attacks with Israel, while Israel mulls escalation; another journalist killed in Gaza, as global press groups protest; Israel kills six Palestinians in West Bank; Israel to fund Israeli settlers’ illegal intrusions into Al Aqsa mosque compound; anti-Zionism = antisemitism policy at NYU is worrying; Columbia SJP disappeared; more.

Commentary: Israel owns our military and Congress via NGO’s FDD & JINSA

The Israeli complex of Control over US Military, US Congress, US policy, US debt, US allies and enemies is in full spectrum hegemony. They drive what America does militarily, societally, within the media landscape of propaganda, censorship, and Congressional action and opinion…

Final count: bodies of 392 Gazan Palestinians discovered in mass graves – Day 202

Gruesome discoveries on Gaza hospital grounds; Israeli strike kills Belgian aid worker & son, 7; premature baby girl has died; another US State Dept employee resigns; military-industrial complex profits from weapon sales to Israel; “Biden has betrayed the soul of our nation”; Freedom Flotilla: Israel plays dirty (again); nonviolent campus protests spread, met with violence

“Gaza has shattered humanity’s records for its darkest chapters” – Day 172

“Hellish’ conditions throughout Gaza; 3 Palestinians killed in West Bank; Hezbollah’s promise to leave Israel alone; US may take till May to decide whether Israel is in compliance with int’l law; Israel: “UN resolution means nothing”; post-UN resolution, post-ICJ decision, Israel has made no changes; US refuses to stop aid airdrops after 18  deaths; “there could have been milk”; UN confirms genocide charge; who is arming Israel?

Israel is making a profit from new AI weapons used in Gaza – Day 127

War is profitable for Israel; after ICJ ruling, Israel has failed to change course; “Iron Lady” doctor dodges Israeli sniper bullets to rescue sniper victim; Israeli bombardment reportedly killed 2 Israeli captives, seriously wounded 8; reports on Israel’s possible plans for Rafah invasion; UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese says Oct. 7th was not an antisemitic attack, but a “response to Israel’s oppression.”