Tags: gaza hospital

Israeli soldier threatens mutiny – “We want to annihilate them” – Day 232

Israeli strikes kill Palestinians just trying to survive; more evacuations; Israeli torture methods; Gaza hospitals in crisis; Israel searches for loopholes in ICJ ruling; 2nd grade Jewish girls meet with White House officials; Hamas rockets hit Tel Aviv; Gaza pier can’t take the rough seas; Hamas claims it captured Israeli soldiers, Israel denies; EU visits West Bank, condemn settler violence; campus protests in Germany, more…

“Endless tragedy, hell on earth,” now over 18K dead – Day 66

U.N. General Assembly voted to demand ceasefire; 6 major humanitarian groups: “We have seen nothing like the siege of Gaza” ; Committee to Protect Journalist: “deeply alarmed by journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members killed”; Doctors Without Borders: “Israeli attacks have killed at least 5 hospital staff, including two of its doctors while they were caring for their patients”…