November 13: Today’s news on Palestine & Israel – Day 38

November 13: Today’s news on Palestine & Israel – Day 38

Humanitarian crisis deepens, healthcare catastrophe, hostage update, statements from Israeli and US leaders, and more.

Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates hereFor more news, go here and here. Live broadcast news from the region is here.

Some people are led to be skeptical of the Al Jazeera news network. However, the network has won several Emmys, a Peabody and the Overseas Press Association’s Edward R. Murrow award, among many other honors. The New York Times reports that “its reporting hews to international journalistic standards and provides a unique view on events in the Middle East.” it’s important to remember that all news sources may potentially have bias. For example, CNN uses anchors who used to work for the Israel Lobby, who have lifelong attachment to Israel, and who often exhibit pro-Israel spin and omission in their broadcasts. Similarly, Fox News is strongly influenced by Rupert Murdoch, who has a similarly strong attachment to Israel, and who may have fired Tucker Carlson, the network’s most popular host, in part due to the host’s opposition to war and his pattern of failing to exhibit sufficient devotion to Israel).

Latest statistics:

NOTE: More than 11,100 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, although the number has not been updated since contact was lost with key hospitals on Friday.The statistics listed here for Gazan deaths and injuries are from November 10th, plus local reports of deaths (eg. following airstrikes); the numbers will be updated as news becomes available.

Palestinian death toll: 10,794* (10,729 in Gaza** (including at least 4,506 children and 3,027 women), and at least 187 in the West Bank). *NOTE: The official UN death toll includes 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast. IAK does not yet include those deaths since the source of the projectile is being disputed; although much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, experts are still looking into the incidentIsrael is blocking an international investigation.

Palestinian injuries: 30,076** (including at least 27,490 in Gaza** and 2,586 in the West Bank). **NOTE: it is impossible to offer an accurate number of injuries in Gaza due to the ongoing bombardment and communication disruption. The Associated Press has reported ~32,000 in Gaza, while the UN number is somewhat lower. Our total for Gaza and the West Bank is based on the conservative figure.

It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties. About 1.6 million people have been displaced; 3,250 are missing (1,700 children) and presumed to be under rubble.

Israel has now killed more Palestinians in a little over a month than in all the previous 22 years combined.

Reported Israeli death toll has been reduced to ~1,200*** (The Israeli spokesman said the original figure of deaths on March 7 was an “initial estimate” – 3 killed in West Bank, 47 in Gaza), including 32 Americans, and ~5,400 injured). The names of the 1,165 identified (33 of them children) are here.

***NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel may have been caused by Israeli soldiers; additionally, since Israel has a policy of universal conscription, it is unknown how many of those attending the outdoor rave a few miles from Gaza on stolen Palestinian land were Israeli soldiers.

Hover over each bar for exact numbers.

UPDATE: No more humanitarian aid: The UN agency dedicated to Palestinian refugees said its trucks in Gaza have officially run out of fuel after emptying a bulk reservoir of fuel over the last three weeks. “We will not be able to receive aid coming through the Rafah crossing tomorrow,” UNRWA said, adding “the humanitarian operation in Gaza will grind to a halt within 48 hours as no fuel is allowed to enter.”

Allegation that hostages were kept beneath hospital: Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari has alleged “signs indicating hostages were held” in a basement room within al-Rantisi hospital in north Gaza had been discovered. Hagari made the claims in a video shot by Israeli forces supposedly in the children’s hospital. In the video, Hagari pointed to women’s clothing, what appeared to be a rope on the leg of a chair, as well as an “improvised” toilet and other infrastructure. He also pointed to what he called a “guardian list” on the wall, where he claimed fighters signed into shifts to watch the captives. He called the items evidence that captives had been held there. (21:00 GMT)

Humanitarian update: 76 trucks carrying basic humanitarian supplies crossed from Egypt into Gaza on 12 November as of 18:00. This brings the number of trucks that have entered Gaza since 21 October to 981. Prior to the start of hostilities, an average of 500 truckloads entered Gaza every working day.

Israeli authorities continue to ban the entry of fuel, which is desperately needed to operate electricity generators to run life-saving equipment.

11 November marked one month since Gaza has been under an electricity blackout, following Israel’s shutting off the electricity supply and the depletion of fuel reserves for Gaza’s sole power plant.

Healthcare news: Palestinian Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf Al Qidra said at least 32 hospital patients from al-Shifa Hospital have died over the past three days. He added that the dead include 6 premature babies. (07:35  GMT) About 650 patients, 500 healthcare workers, and an estimated 2,500 displaced people remain inside. (11:00 GMT)

Gaza’s two largest hospitals, al-Shifa and al-Quds, have both closed. Israeli snipers continue to fire at anyone near al-Shifa Hospital, trapping thousands inside.

Update on Al Shifa Hospital from the director-general of Gaza’s health ministry: Israeli tanks and snipers have surrounded al-Shifa Hospital. About 200 families in the vicinity of the complex cannot move from their homes. Some 100 bodies are decomposing in the courtyard of the hospital. (10:20 GMT)

Three nurses were killed at al-Shifa Hospital Sunday. Staff at the hospital has been struggling to bury at least 100 decomposing bodies. The hospital has shut its doors to new patients.

Palestine Committee for the Red Crescent (PCRS) reports heavy gunfire continued in the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City, with shelling and violent explosions. The convoy of vehicles that set off from the southern Gaza Strip towards the hospital, accompanied by the ICRC to secure the evacuation of patients and medical staff from Al-Quds Hospital was stopped. The convoy is still waiting for the situation to settle down in the surrounding area of the hospital to be able to reach it to start the evacuation process.

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Hostage update: On Sunday, Hamas said it was suspending hostage negotiations because of how Israel handled al-Shifa Hospital.

The Hamas resistance group is currently holding about 240 prisoners, captured on October 7th for the purpose of a prisoner swap. Israel currently holds 7,000 Palestinians as political prisoners, and has agreed to such a swap in the past.

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Israeli statements/propaganda: In a tweet that was later deleted, the Israeli army has claimed that ambulances and hospitals were used by Hamas for its fighters and its military operations. “This is against international law and turns them into legitimate military targets,” the army wrote. (11:50 GMT)

In an interview with NBC News on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Hamas refused an offer of fuel for al-Shifa Hospital but failed to provide evidence. The Palestinian group denied the claim and any association with al-Shifa management or decision-making in a statement on Sunday.

According to Palestine Chronicle, Israel’s talk about supplying fuel is false, and the quantity allegedly offered would only be enough for one hour.

Ha’aretz reports actually IDF claimed that Israeli soldiers killed a squad of 21 Hamas militants who opened fire on them from the entrance of Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City. Hamas has consistently denied using hospitals for its operations.

Avi Dichter, Israel’s Minister for Agriculture and former head of Shin Bet, says: “We are now actually rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end.” [Nakba is the Arabic word for Israel’s 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestnians.]

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The firing of rockets by Palestinian armed groups towards Israeli population centres has continued over the past 24 hours, with no reported fatalities. (Information on rocket attacks is here.) It appears that the last time a Palestinian rocket killed people was October 7, as reported by Ha’aretz and Times of Israel. Fifteen Israelis were killed – 9 of them Palestinian Israelis from communities in Israel that are not provided with bomb shelters. One more Palestinian Israeli was killed after being hit by a rocket on October 9.

US actions in Middle East: The United States carried out two air strikes in Syria against Iran-linked facilities, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Sunday. Six to seven pro-Iran fighters were also killed, Fox News reported quoting a Pentagon source. He has not ruled out the option of additional strikes on Iran-linked groups unless attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria cease. “These attacks must stop, and if they don’t stop, then we won’t hesitate to do what’s necessary, again, to protect the troops,” Austin said. (07:23 GMT)

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday that the US “does not want to see firefights in hospitals where innocent people…are caught in the crossfire,” and that it is having “active consultations” with Israel’s military about its concerns. Al Jazeera’s Shihab Rattansi said the comments reflect “more of the same gentle chiding that we’ve come to expect from the Biden administration.” (05:10 GMT)

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