Tags: human rights

“No words can do justice to the horrors that people in Gaza are living in” – Day 184

Human rights officials have never seen anything like Gaza; Israel’s AI killer, “Lavender”; Israeli army withdraws from part of Khan Younis; WCK founder says Israel is in a “war against humanity”; cancer-stricken Walid Daqqa dies in Israeli prison from medical negligence; Nicaragua takes Germany to world court over arming of Israel; more

Big truths that RFK Jr ignores in his eagerness to support Israel

Longtime journalist Chris Hedges offers a partial inventory of Israel’s documented human rights abuses of Palestinians – massive abuses that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. chooses to ignore: the crimes of apartheid, and the targeting and torturing of civilians, to name a few. As Hedges reminds us, to support this Israel is to “justify the unjustifiable”; and to protest Israeli policy is “a political death wish.” (part 3)

Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israel’s founding war… and after

‘”Place the Material in the Wells..” Documents from Israeli archives reveal the Israeli army’s 1948 biological warfare… Some oral testimonies have previously reported this – now two Israeli historians have found the ‘smoking gun’..plus recent reports of Israelis poisoning Palestinian wells…