Tags: palestinian authority

Israeli cruelty reaches new low; United Methodists divest from Israel – Day 209

Israel booby-traps food, snipes at aid-seekers (again), withholds bodies of Palestinians who died in inhumane prison conditions, threatens PA over ICC possible arrest warrants; antisemitism bill offers Israel impunity; United Methodists divest; World Press Freedom Day honors Palestinian journalists; Turkey breaks trade relations with Israel; Biden speech throws pro-Palestine protesters under the bus; protests spread across the globe; former CIA officer “welcomes the student rebellion against Israeli atrocities”

Enough food is waiting across Gaza’s borders to feed entire population – Day 142

Injuries surpass 70,000; famine while food is almost within reach; babies, children die of malnutrition; West Bank gov. resigns, seeks new, consensus government for the “new reality”; burning books to keep warm; update on Hind, 6; Palestinian Bedouin under attack; active-duty US airman self-immolates in front of Israeli embassy in Washington DC…

Israel has killed more than 3,000 people in Gaza so far this month – Day 107

Hamas resistance releases report; large numbers of refugees, babies at risk; more support for Palestinian sovereignty; news on Houthis and shipping; CAIR demands action; Israel withholds money due Palestinian Authority; West Bank home demolitions, and more

Israel has been “disappearing” Palestinians since 1967

Israel has worked behind the scenes for years to erase Palestinians from their own Population Registry, creating an artificial Jewish majority in “Judea and Samaria” (the West Bank), and robbing Palestinians of basic human rights.

New legislation in Congress puts Palestinians in a Catch-22

New bills in Congress would put the Palestinian Authority in a no-win position: go bankrupt, or withdraw from int’l bodies that keep alive a hope of justice.

Israeli Police Raid Hospital 50th Anniversary Celebration because it’s too Palestinian

A hospital anniversary celebration attended by “dozens of people,” sponsored by the Palestinian Authority, in occupied East Jerusalem was intolerable for Israel. The reason: it would include “Palestinian sovereign symbols such as: playing the Palestinian national anthem, political speeches on behalf of the PA and participation of Palestinian officials.”

The shut-down was ordered because an Israeli law forbids the PA “to hold an assembly or activity within the State of Israel.”

The world (except for Israel) considers East Jerusalem to be occupied, and its annexation to be illegal. That is, East Jerusalem is part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Trump administration about to give Israel .8 billion

Despite the fact that current legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years is still pending, the Trump administration is about to give Israel the first installment: $3.8 billion. That amounts to $7,230 per minute to Israel, or $120 per second. The money will be deposited in an interest bearing Israeli account at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, costing the U.S. economy even more…