Tags: gilad erdan

Northern Gaza now in “full-blown famine,” Netanyahu rejects free speech in Israel – Day 211

Famine hits northern Gaza, will spread south; no real progress on truce; Netanyahu cabinet to shut down Al Jazeera in Israel; Sheryl Sandberg film on “rapes” is debunked; muted celebrations on Orthodox Easter; campus protest news; “Hamas hides in American universities” – Gilad Erdan

Israel undecided about Iran response, but carries on against Gaza, West Bank – Day 191

North Gaza starts to eat again; others unearth dead bodies; Rafah attack postponed; Gaza land stolen as “buffer zone”; Iran accuses US of hypocrisy; questions of whether/how Israel will respond to Iran’s retaliation; West Bank attacks, deaths continue; Biden pushes for billions more to Israel

Biden admin bypasses Congress for 7.5m weapons sale to Israel – Day 83

Blinken avoids congressional oversight in weapon sale to Israel; Israeli military targets UN humanitarian aid convoy, historical sites, steals from Gazan homes; Gazan food insecurity is “catastrophic”; Israeli envoy threatens Lebanon; Gaza medical workers tortured, journalist killed; multiple incidents in West Bank; Friday worship disrupted in Jerusalem

Israel’s plan to secretly fund pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

In 2018 The Forward reported on repeated efforts by the Israeli government money to push money into American Jewish institutions to use in advocating for Israel. The efforts come from an Israeli ministry whose actions, even within Israel, are veiled in secrecy….. American groups using this secret money to influence American discourse would be violating US law…

Evidence that U.S. pro-Israel groups may have violated U.S. laws

Israel has been illegally manipulating US policies – and some US organizations and politicians have been helping them, in violation of US laws… Will the government go after them and censure Israel, the way it did the claims of ‘Russian interference’? Or will Israel and its collaborators once again escape consequences?

An Israeli ministry dedicated nearly $2 million to a covert media campaign against the BDS movement that portrayed the human rights based campaign as supposedly “antisemitic”… The fund targets both Israeli and foreign NGOs and media outlets. In return for payments, it slips its content into their social media, digital and print networks…