Tags: Adam Milstein

Israel-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech

145 groups pressure Facebook to adopt an Israel-centric definition of ‘hate speech.’ The initiative is largely funded by multi-millionaire Israeli-American Adam Milstein (who served in the Israeli military 1971-4) and is backed by the Israeli government… Whether Facebook will buckle under the pressure will depend in large part on whether the public—Jewish and non-Jewish—finally recognizes that concerns about antisemitism are being exploited to serve a narrow political and ideological agenda, putting at risk free speech on Israel/Palestine and, by extension, political speech writ large…

An Israeli ministry dedicated nearly $2 million to a covert media campaign against the BDS movement that portrayed the human rights based campaign as supposedly “antisemitic”… The fund targets both Israeli and foreign NGOs and media outlets. In return for payments, it slips its content into their social media, digital and print networks… 

Israel lobbyists write the laws that state legislators then pass

State lawmakers and governors across the US have allowed the Israel lobby to write public policy. New laws and executive orders have been crafted by Israel lobbyists, then copied from one state to the next, adopted with virtually identical language. The groundwork for anti-boycott legislation was laid by Israel partisans a decade ago…

NYT story on billionaire Seth Klarman hid his Israel lobby role… Les Wexner also quit Republicans over concern for Israel

Mondoweiss reports: ‘Israel is at the heart of Klarman’s giving, but NYT reporter Bari Weiss hid this – she’s an Israel advocate and doesn’t want to advertise the power of the Israel lobby & the clout of pro-Israel Jews.’ Billionaire Les Wexner also quit Republicans over worry that Trump’s actions will ultimately hurt Israel…

Ha’aretz: Adelson-funded Israel lobby group IAC could soon rival AIPAC

Thousands will gather in the U.S. capital this Friday for one of the largest Israel-related events of the year – the annual conference of the Israeli-American Council. Founded 10 years ago, IAC has 15 regional offices across the US, and more than a dozen local partnerships. Billionaire donor Haim Saban used to also be involved…