Tags: J Street

AIPAC’s  mill lays down red line for Dems: Don’t criticize Israel

AIPAC’s superpac has raised nearly $16 million in 3 months… That’s why the NY Times called “Jewish donors” who prioritize Israel the “elephant in the room” of our foreign policy. Or why a J Street panel said that the clout of Jewish donors in the Democratic Party is “gigantic” and “shocking”…

Conditional aid to Israel is becoming mainstream for Dems

J Street asked several democratic candidates for president to comment on aid to Israel. Their responses reflect the growing movement in the US to condition aid on treatment of Palestinians – but don’t get too excited.

NYT story on billionaire Seth Klarman hid his Israel lobby role… Les Wexner also quit Republicans over concern for Israel

Mondoweiss reports: ‘Israel is at the heart of Klarman’s giving, but NYT reporter Bari Weiss hid this – she’s an Israel advocate and doesn’t want to advertise the power of the Israel lobby & the clout of pro-Israel Jews.’ Billionaire Les Wexner also quit Republicans over worry that Trump’s actions will ultimately hurt Israel…

Two Leading U.S. Human Rights Activists Refused Entry to Israel, One for BDS Ties

Columbia University law professor Katherine Franke, and executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights Vincent Warren, say they were questioned by Israeli security at Ben Gurion Airport, detained 14 hours, and accused of lying before being flown back to New York Monday. 

Pro-Israel groups are split on Friedman for ambassador to Israel

The Forward reports: “For the Jewish left, Friedman appointment has quickly emerged as a banner for rallying troops already concerned with the impact the Trump presidency will have on the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. On the right, Trump’s choice of a pro-settlement bankruptcy lawyer as chief envoy to Israel is seen as ushering in a new era of settlement expansion and changing the fundamentals of American policy toward the conflict.