The leaked ADL memo illustrates the position in which some establishment Jewish groups now find themselves. The ADL appears to recognize that annexation would violate Palestinians’ basic human rights, enforcing a codified regime of nationality-based discrimination subjugation—and that, as a group ostensibly concerned with civil rights, this is in tension with its stated values…
Tags: chuck schumer
The Fall of Eliot Engel: Israel-Firster Defeated in Congressional Primary
Phil Giraldi reports that Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, & the Congressional Black Caucas (also in the Israel lobby’s pocket) had endorsed Engel, but Jamaal Bowman won… as did Ocasio-Cortez… It’s early days to be hopeful, but the NY primary election results, from a state where Jewish groups wield enormous power, just might be an indication that some things are about to change…
US Senators meet with Jewish leaders in semi-secret annual event
The Times of Israel reports that “Jewish leaders are meeting with Senate Democrats today.” All the organizations except one advocate for Israel. The Senators’ offices will not tell Americans when or where the meeting is, or what’s on the agenda…. a quarter of the Senate attended the meeting – see the list…
NYT: A New Wave of Democrats Tests the Party’s Blanket Support for Israel
New York Times reports that a cluster of activist Democrats — most of them young, most of them cruising toward House seats this fall — has dared to breach what has been an almost inviolable orthodoxy in both political parties, strong support for Israel, raising the specter of a crack in the Democratic Party that Republicans could use to attract Jewish supporters.
NYT story on billionaire Seth Klarman hid his Israel lobby role… Les Wexner also quit Republicans over concern for Israel
Mondoweiss reports: ‘Israel is at the heart of Klarman’s giving, but NYT reporter Bari Weiss hid this – she’s an Israel advocate and doesn’t want to advertise the power of the Israel lobby & the clout of pro-Israel Jews.’ Billionaire Les Wexner also quit Republicans over worry that Trump’s actions will ultimately hurt Israel…
Pro-Israel group raises half a million dollars for Menendez – eludes donation law
Pro-Israel NORPAC political action committee eludes law limiting pacs to $10,000 donation… the group held a $1,000 a plate dinner for Democratic candidate Menendez. NORPAC raises money for candidates from both parties around the US – from New York to North Dakota… see video of Menendez AIPAC speech…
Taylor Force Act about to sneak through Congress, perpetuating oppression of Palestinians
The Taylor Force Act will probably become law by the end of the week. Two tragedies will be perpetuated: Palestinians will continue to be seen as terrorists, unworthy of food and shelter; and Israel will continue unabated in spending American money to kill and imprison them.