One of Benjamin Netanyahu’s major crimes involved receiving $250,000 as a bribe from Israeli film maker Arnon Milchan, who made his fortune in the United States and was also involved in espionage directed against US nuclear technology to enable the Jewish state to develop its own secret – and illegal – nuclear weapons arsenal.
Tags: benjamin netanyahu
Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war
As the Gaza war rages, Israeli funds target US college campuses and push to redefine antisemitism in US law – part of a sometimes covert operation by the Israeli government to strike back at student protests, human rights organizations and other voices of dissent.
The ‘Antisemitism’ Moral Panic Has Officially Jumped The Shark
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded to the International Criminal Court’s rumored plans to indict Israeli officials for war crimes by claiming that for the ICC to do so would be an “antisemitic hate crime”
Pro-Israel Sen. Menendez Corruption Controversy Could Cost Israel Its Key Ally in D.C.
Menendez is perhaps the Democrats’ most stalwart supporter of Israel, enjoying a decades-long relationship with AIPAC & the pro-Israel lobby. This positioning, combined with his chairmanship of a crucial committee, have led him to be among the most influential senators concerning Israel policy
Joel Osteen’s startling interview with Bibi Netanyahu
This televangelist’s interview with Benjamin Netanyahu exposed his millions of followers to false and misleading information about Israel and Palestine.
Latest meeting of America’s most powerful pro-Israel lobby
The content of AIPAC’s recent Political Leadership Forum was largely concealed from the public, but here is what we do know about it.
Israel’s new radical government shows itself reckless and racist
Israel’s newly sworn-in government includes some shockingly extremist figures who have wasted no time implementing their agenda. Peruse a few excerpts from articles describing their recent escapades.
Opinion: Israeli Elections, Israel’s Movable Feast
Israel Shamir: There is no real choice for Israeli voters; the potential candidates for the prime minister’s office aren’t all that different… we should not worry too much about who will rule Israel – it’ll either be Netanyahu or one of his second-rate clones… Most politicians are Right or Far-Right –somewhere between the John Birch Society and the KKK – they won’t accept Palestinians even as junior partners in their government. And without Palestinians, none can achieve a parliamentary majority…
UAE deal shows: world leaders see Israel lobby as a gatekeeper in Washington
The United Arab Emirates is seeking more support from the United States, and it believes it must go through Israel to get it. Other nations also understand the power of the Israel lobby in the US… Egypt, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Qatar, Tunisia, Congo, Venezuela… Obama himself acknowledged the lobby’s gatekeeper role when he reached out to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in order to hire Hillary Clinton as secretary of state… So in his most important appointment, Obama needed to show ‘credibility’ with the Israeli government and its lobby…
Biden is most pro-Israel nominee ever (and he will ‘defeat’ ‘hypercritical’ voices in the party)
Phil Weiss reports that pro-Israel advocates are overjoyed at the prospect of Joe Biden… they say there has never been a nominee from any party who is so pro-Israel, and that his choice of Kamala Harris as veep reflects his love of Israel…