Tags: Rashida Tlaib

AIPAC’s vast campaign to unseat pro-Palestine US lawmakers

AIPAC, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, and its affiliates are reportedly spending $100 million in the next congressional election cycle. The objective: to help oust progressives who have voiced support for Palestinians. The Israel lobby is signaling to many that it cares more about supporting Israel’s right-wing government than democracy in the US.

House Dems remove B in extra funding for Israel’s Iron Dome from budget bill

Republican Congress members flip out over the removal of an extra $1 billion gift to Israel on a budget bill (that they weren’t going to vote for anyway). Activists for justice for Palestinians hail the event as “an unprecedented moment for Palestinian rights.”

Rep. Betty McCollum leads effort to block Israel from using US aid to break int’l law

Rep. Betty McCollum has introduced a new bill (H.R. 2590) that challenges Israel’s impunity, at a time when support in Congress for Palestinian rights is at an all-time high. This issue of conditional aid to Israel has gained momentum in recent years – but there is a long way to go…

‘My heart comes first’ — Why Nita Lowey chose to chair House committee controlling funds to Israel

Lowey chose to ‘follow her heart’ by heading the state, foreign operations, and related programs subcommittee over a more prestigious subcommittee within the powerful House Appropriations Committee because it dealt with allocating funds for Israel.