Tags: palestinian prisoner

Killing continues across Gaza, Lebanon, under staggering number of Israeli bombs – Day 357

News on Nasrallah’s death: weapons used, Israel’s reasoning, “shock and awe” attack, Palestine connection, Iran’s response; the suffering of Gaza’s children; Palestinian prisoner death; Cornell U under fire for action against pro-Palestine student; more.

Israel employs terror as Palestine engages in UN diplomacy – Day 347

As Gazans die, Israel launches a second deadly strike across Lebanon; overwhelming majority in UN General Assembly support Palestine’s call for an end to Israel’s illegal occupation; another Palestinian death in Israeli prison, 2 in West Bank; Israel’s pager attack was culmination of years-long scheme; Israeli leader announces “new phase of war” focusing on north, Lebanon; Saudi Arabia vows no normalization with Israel without Palestinian state; more.

ActionAid describes Gaza as “one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world” – Day 296

Polio epidemic in the offing for Gaza; ActionAid decries horrific conditions; OCHA describes intolerable humanitarian situation; Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza City damaged by an Israeli airstrike; Netanyahu claims he is not stalling ceasefire talks – Hamas is; Majdal Shams claims and counterclaims, Druze plead for no retaliation from Israel; world leaders keep forgetting that Golan Heights is occupied; Israeli soldiers suspected of raping Palestinian prisoner arrested, sparking far-right riot; Palestinian detainees compare prison conditions to Guantanamo; Ben Gvir makes the region more dangerous for Palestinians.

Israel rejects 14-truck convoy of food aid, as Gazans starve – Day 151

Food aid convoy turned away after trend through February shows 75% rejection for northern Gaza aid; UNRWA reports on extensive abuse of Palestinian prisoners; another Gazan journalist killed; reports on ceasefire progress; Gallup poll shows Israel’s popularity is waning; West Bank deaths, arrests; New York Times piece on Hamas rape debunked again; Girl Scout troop harassed for supporting Gazan children; more

40 Gazans killed in Rafah, as UNRWA and MSF recount Israeli atrocities – Day 139

As Palestinians endure famine, at least 1,000 aid trucks wait for permission to enter Gaza; more reported white flag deaths; flour shipment is back on again; potential public health impact of the current conflict in the Gaza Strip; US investigation finds “low confidence” about allegations for which Secy of State Blinken found “highly, highly credible”; Doctors Without Borders and UNRWA take on Israeli bullying tactics; another Palestinian prisoner dies; story comes to light about Israeli killing an Israeli on October 7th; Thursday’s ICJ summary; 

Israel holds thousands of Palestinian prisoners in solitary confinement despite health risks

The Israel Prison Service holds thousands of Palestinian prisoners in isolation, including minors, for months and even years, according to figures obtained following a freedom of information request filed by Physicians for Human Rights. – Israel’s action is likely a breach of the Convention against Torture.