Two stories of Israeli sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners (trigger warning), and the sadistic reason why they do it
Tags: prison rape
ActionAid describes Gaza as “one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world” – Day 296
Polio epidemic in the offing for Gaza; ActionAid decries horrific conditions; OCHA describes intolerable humanitarian situation; Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza City damaged by an Israeli airstrike; Netanyahu claims he is not stalling ceasefire talks – Hamas is; Majdal Shams claims and counterclaims, Druze plead for no retaliation from Israel; world leaders keep forgetting that Golan Heights is occupied; Israeli soldiers suspected of raping Palestinian prisoner arrested, sparking far-right riot; Palestinian detainees compare prison conditions to Guantanamo; Ben Gvir makes the region more dangerous for Palestinians.
Israel may be using internationally banned weapons against Gazans – Day 282
Israel’s possible use of internationally banned weapons; new allegations of rape and torture of Palestinian prisoners; 13 human rights groups accuse Israel of blocking aid to Gaza; municipality runs out of fuel, water pumps cease; estimated 15 years, $500 million to clear rubble; EU sanctions settlers; Israel explains its failed attack on Mawasi; West Bank death, home demolitions; Smotrich opposes release of any Palestinian prisoners; RNC platform mentions one foreign country – Israel; a quick look at JD Vance’s position on Israel; Biden’s delusional statement on Palestinians; more.