Tags: new york times

American Media Keep Citing Zaka — though its October 7 atrocity stories are discredited in Israel

Long after Landau’s emotional recollections were replayed, repeated, cited, and quoted in the global media, a problem emerged: No one could find any evidence that the two massacres ever took place — in Be’eri or elsewhere.

Journalism professors call on New York Times to review Oct. 7 report

More than 50 tenured journalism professors from top universities signed a letter calling on the New York Times to address questions about a major investigative report that described a “pattern of gender-based violence” in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.

Israel rejects 14-truck convoy of food aid, as Gazans starve – Day 151

Food aid convoy turned away after trend through February shows 75% rejection for northern Gaza aid; UNRWA reports on extensive abuse of Palestinian prisoners; another Gazan journalist killed; reports on ceasefire progress; Gallup poll shows Israel’s popularity is waning; West Bank deaths, arrests; New York Times piece on Hamas rape debunked again; Girl Scout troop harassed for supporting Gazan children; more

30 handcuffed, blindfolded Gazans found in body bags – Day 116

Apparent mass execution of Gazan men; triple assassination of Palestinians in Jenin hospital; NYTimes caught red-handed; Israel ignores ICJ ruling; the neglected residents of northern Gaza; Israel says No to early openings of aid checkpoints; pregnant Gazan women grossly underserved; disturbing uptick in detention, torture of Gazan men; drone footage confirms massive devastation; Israeli and US reactions to Jenin assassinations; Canada pledges humanitarian funding, but not to UNRWA; speaker of Knesset coming to Congress; Harvard sued for non-protection of Palestinian students

Coverage of Gaza War in NYTimes & other major papers heavily favored Israel, analysis shows

In the first six weeks of the Israel-Gaza conflict, major U.S. newspapers disproportionately emphasized Israeli deaths; used emotive language to describe the killings of Israelis, but not Palestinians; and offered lopsided coverage of antisemitic acts in the U.S., while largely ignoring anti-Muslim racism in the wake of October 7.

The stakes for this routine devaluing of Palestinian lives couldn’t be higher: As the death toll in Gaza mounts, entire cities are leveled and rendered uninhabitable for years, and whole family lines are wiped out, the U.S. government has enormous influence as Israel’s primary patron and weapons supplier. The media’s presentation of the conflict means there are fewer political downsides to lockstep support for Israel.