Tags: qatar

Israel’s “consistent failure to uphold int’l humanitarian law is abhorrent” – Day 111

Israel out of control in Khan Younis; Biden official trying to broker an “ambitious” deal; reminiscent of Al Ahli hospital debacle, Israel fumbles after allegedly striking UN building, Netanyahu talks smack against Qatar, blames hostages’ families for leaking; Israeli land grab along Gaza border; update on American killed in West Bank, Tawfiq Abdel Jabbar; and more

Pro-Israel organizations in the US facilitated Israeli agreements with UAE, Bahrain

The American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations worked for 25 years to procure the agreements. UAE and Bahrain had previously refused to have diplomatic relations with Israel because of Israel’s massive ethnic cleansing against the indigenous population. Jared Kushner and Haim Saban also had key roles in the deal.

Al Jazeera did a hard-hitting investigation into US and Israeli lobbying – so why won’t they air it?

A documentary called The Lobby, directed by Clayton Swisher, secretly filmed pro-Israel US activists and Israeli government officials. It was completed last autumn, but still hasn’t been shown. Swisher says several “leaders of Jewish American organisations” met with Qatar’s registered agent Nick Muzin “to see if he could use his ties with the Qataris to stop the airing.” Since October, Swisher says, “We’ve faced a series of unexplained delays on broadcasting our project, the likes of which I’ve never experienced….”

What’s in Al Jazeera’s undercover film on the US Israel lobby?

Al Jazeera’s upcoming undercover documentary reportedly shows that neoconservative think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies is working as a spy for the Israeli government. The organization is not registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The film is also said to reveal deepening ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Qatar.