Tags: settlement

Sewage in streets of Gaza’s tent cities, acute malnutrition – Day 123

Hamas’ ceasefire proposal; Israeli troops shoot at Gazans waiting for aid, kill another journalist, prepare to invade Rafah; Israeli leaders in denial about torture; investigation starting on possible Israeli killing of its own on October 7th; West Bank violence, terrible prison conditions; Harvard under investigation; Palestinian in Texas stabbed; billionaires back anti-Palestinian propaganda in US…

Illegal settlement expansion: Israel approves 800 new units in final days of Trump admin

Just days before US President-elect Joe Biden (who disapproves of settlements) is set to take office, the Israeli government approved a settlement expansion plan: the construction of 800 new units in the occupied West Bank.

Critics deem the move as an effort to take advantage of the final days of the pro-settlement Trump administration, and likely leading to a confrontation with the new Biden administration.

Israel has been “disappearing” Palestinians since 1967

Israel has worked behind the scenes for years to erase Palestinians from their own Population Registry, creating an artificial Jewish majority in “Judea and Samaria” (the West Bank), and robbing Palestinians of basic human rights.

Is the United Nations anti-Israel? – a survey of UN resolutions

The United Nations has passed an inordinate number of resolutions critical of Israel (at least seven hundred), but very few critical of Palestine. Is there a good reason for this high number, or is this a case of anti-Israel bias? – or worse yet, anti-Semitism? This analysis breaks it down.

Analyses of Trump’s Peace Plan for Israel-Palestine, “Deal of the Century” (Updated)

US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” violates international law in a number of ways. It gravely violates the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. It gives Israelis the illusion of security while in reality trapping them within an unstable regime based on racial oppression. Read analyses from the New Yorker, UK Guardian, Mondoweiss, Informed comment, and American Conservative. Also gives link to the 181-page document of the plan…

Congress has introduced 50 pieces of legislation about Israel in 2019

While America struggles with crises in health care, hunger, and homelessness, Congress has found the time to entertain over four dozen bills and resolutions that cater to a wealthy, heavily-armed state: Israel.