Tags: btselem

Palestinian Released From Israeli Prison Describes Beatings, Sexual Abuse and Torture

The prisoners’ hands were cuffed behind their back. They were led to the kitchen, where they were stripped and forced to lie one on top of the other, a pile of 10 naked prisoners… Then the dogs attacked

Israel is pushing the West Bank toward a “Third Intifada” – Day 94

Israel is “obligated” to bring food into the Gaza Strip; Gazan journalist killed; Israel approves 700 East Jerusalem housing units; Israeli Pres Herzog in genocide denial; Netanyahu wants cash from Emirates – the reply: “Ask Zelensky for money,”

Unwilling and Unable: Israel’s Whitewashed Investigations of the Great March of Return Protests

In 2018-19, Israel met a Palestinian nonviolent movement with violence week after week – causing 13,000 Palestinian injuries and 234 deaths – then went through the motions of “investigating” its military’s wrongdoing. The Israeli organization B’Tselem and the Palestine Center for Human Rights combined to produce a detailed report deconstructing the Israeli investigation…

Israeli soldiers illegally photograph Palestinian children in middle of night

Israeli soldiers gathered and photographed 13 Palestinian children, forcing them to ‘say cheese’ before snapping an illegal image. The children, all in kindergarten and early years of elementary school, were forced to stand outside in a line. Several of the children were trembling and crying.

Israel’s FBI gives human rights researcher a “warning”

Israel’s internal security service, Shin Bet, interrogated a field researcher for rights group B’Tselem who they said was always around during Palestinian activity, and has been “making trouble and threatening the army.”

His troublemaking includes reporting on an unarmed Palestinian who was shot in the neck and paralyzed.

To Jews, from a rabbi raised in South Africa: “tell the truth – Israel is apartheid”

A rabbi with South African roots recalls the moment he realized that Israel’s system is “apartheid.” He describes his struggle to release his idealistic view of the Jewish State, and encourages Jews to practice “moral clarity” regarding Israel – without which it is impossible to find a way forward.