Tags: btselem

Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)

Each month, numerous NGOs produce reports on the humanitarian situation in Israel-Palestine, but US media rarely report on them. See this compilation of reports by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, National Lawyers Guild, Red Cross, Christian Aid, B’Tselem, Defense for Children International, and others…

Israeli military admits: open-fire policy needlessly killed protestors

Israel admits that live fire against Palestinian protestors has at times caused death when only serious injury was intended.  Israeli snipers have killed 300 while gradually tweaking their limb-targeting approach. Now they “aim for the ankles,” likely only maiming the unarmed demonstrators. The Israeli Supreme Court has backed the lethal open-fire policy from day one.

B’tselem: Israeli “investigations” whitewash, perpetuate killing in Gaza

Israeli human rights organization B’tselem discusses Israel’s “investigations” into killings of Palestinians, which have served no authentic purpose, but only created an illusion of inquiry. B’tselem calls on the international community to demand real accountability.

UK silence on Israel’s detention of Palestinian children

Some UK politicians have had it with Israel’s disregard for the rights of children. 6 yrs after a report on “Israel’s widespread and systematic ill-treatment” of Palestinian children, next to nothing has improved. But the UK voted against an Israeli accountability resolution at the UN Human Rights Council last March.

Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters against planned mass Gandhian demonstration by Gaza families

Israeli forces are mobilizing against a mass peaceful protest by Palestinian families in Gaza demonstrating for their right of return to land that Israel has confiscated for Jewish only habitation… Their demands: “to be let out from the cage you have bound them in, to fish without being shot, to return to the village that you have torn down, to travel outside the barbed wire you surround them with… The Israeli cabinet has issued a “shoot to kill” policy.