Tags: analysis

The arms race between Dems and GOP for pro-Israel donors

Biden needs money to mount a strong challenge to Trump, and the organized Jewish community is regarded as very pro-Israel & the largest repository of money in the Democratic Party, the source of half or more of large donations. See detailed information on what is driving politicians’ stances on Israel-Palestine since Truman through today…

What’s in S.3176, the goodies-for-Israel bill slinking through Congress?

In the middle of coronavirus financial devastation to Americans, Congress is poised to pass a 10-year package obligating American taxpayers to give Israel $38 billion – and US media aren’t even telling Americans about it. Read the details of what the bill contains. It’s only a few steps away from passage, unless voters object – contains action alert to contact Congress…

Remembering Palestine on Nakba Day: Use the Hashtag COVID1948

The hashtag #COVID1948 seeks to equate the current devastation resulting from the coronavirus with the catastrophe that occurred to the Palestinian people in 1948 at the hands of the Israelis. It is reportedly trending on social media and is in one sense an eloquent reminder of the wrongs committed against an entire people, to include a deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing that bore fruit in 1948-9.

Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel

By Philip Giraldi: The Virginia Israel Advisory Board is little more than a mechanism set up to carry out licensed robbery of Virginia state resources being run by a cabal of local Jewish Americans and Israelis to benefit their co-religionists in Israel. The VIAB is actually part of the Virginia state government. It is funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia and is able to access funds from other government agencies to support Israeli businesses. It is staffed by Israelis and Jewish Americans drawn from what has been described as the ‘Israel advocacy ecosystem.’ Many of the Israeli companies are located on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank; they are illegal under international law…

The problems with Fauda, Israel’s brutal Netflix hit

The Netflix smash about a ruthless Israeli unit hunting down terrorists has glaring omissions and is overwhelmingly narrated from an Israeli viewpoint… Netflix, which has 109 million members across 190 countries, describes Fauda as ‘a global phenomenon’… It joins other Israeli programs featured on Netflix, HBO, Hulu… The Israeli occupation gets erased, the concept of right and wrong gets erased, the illegality gets erased…

Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full .8 billion

Despite 26 million Americans out of work, and millions more impacted by coronavirus cutbacks, experts expect that Israel will get its full massive aid package. Administration official says Israelis don’t have to worry “even if there is a depression” – and even though the aid is damaging to Americans…