Tags: Memorandum of Understanding

What’s in S.3176, the goodies-for-Israel bill slinking through Congress?

In the middle of coronavirus financial devastation to Americans, Congress is poised to pass a 10-year package obligating American taxpayers to give Israel $38 billion – and US media aren’t even telling Americans about it. Read the details of what the bill contains. It’s only a few steps away from passage, unless voters object – contains action alert to contact Congress…

Israel would get far more than  billion under the new deal

In an unprecedented gift of our executive power to Israel, the House has passed for the very first time a law that forces the American president to give Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion per year. We have, in effect, crippled our ability to promote US interests in the Middle East. The new House version is even more generous to Israel than the Senate bill and the 2016 MOU… it amounts to $7,230 per minute to Israel, or $120 per second…