Tags: $38 billion

38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden – If you’re Israeli

The Forward has just published an article saying that Joe Biden’s long loyalty to a foreign country is a reason to vote for him. The article is entitled “38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden.” The title refers to the $38 billion aid package to Israel, which works out to $7,000 per minute from American taxpayers and is approximately $23,000 per each Israeli family of four…

Senate Committee slips through  billion package to Israel

The Foreign Relations Committee passed a bill yesterday to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion over the next ten years, despite current devastation to the US economy. The bill was passed in a meeting closed to Senate live-streaming, in a voice vote on a group of 15 items, without any discussion or debate of the largest such package in US history, and without its title even being said… Now the bill goes to the full Senate. (contains video of mtg)

Senate Foreign Relations Committee to vote on  billion package to Israel

While millions of Americans are out of work due to the coronavirus, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is poised to vote for a 10-year package to give Israel $38 billion. The legislation is a top priority for the Israel lobbying organization AIPAC. (The article contains info for contacting Congress.)

Israel may ask for double its usual .8 billion from the U.S this year

Breaking Defense magazine reports that Israel may ask to get its yearly aid ahead of time, and possibly twice as much as usual… But 26 million Americans out of jobs and U.S. companies closing due to coronavirus might object… A petition proposes: ‘Israel has received over $10 million per day, year after year. This year it’s time to keep our money home.’

Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full .8 billion

Despite 26 million Americans out of work, and millions more impacted by coronavirus cutbacks, experts expect that Israel will get its full massive aid package. Administration official says Israelis don’t have to worry “even if there is a depression” – and even though the aid is damaging to Americans…

New legislation in Congress puts Palestinians in a Catch-22

New bills in Congress would put the Palestinian Authority in a no-win position: go bankrupt, or withdraw from int’l bodies that keep alive a hope of justice.

House of Reps to sneak through billions to Israel, oppose BDS, etc

The House is expected to fast track three measures on behalf of Israel tomorrow: laws to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion and to sanction groups that support the Palestinian resistance, and a resolution expressing opposition to the global boycott of Israel (BDS)… Contains a link to contact Congress about the legislation…