Tags: refugee

Israel will kill Palestinians just fine without US heavy payload weapons; humanitarian crisis spirals – Day 216

Hunger, danger deepen all over Gaza; refugees streaming out of Rafah with nowhere safe to go; deadly airdrops have killed over 20; Israeli leaders will keep war going “with God’s help”; Israeli settlers torch UNRWA office for a second time; 300 Palestinian Bedouin face homelessness after militarized Israeli police bulldoze village; more

Winter will bring “an unbearable avalanche of human suffering” to Gaza – Day 90

Hunger, cold, and lack of basic necessities – plus Israeli bombardment put Gazans at risk; another journalist killed; Israel’s search for a place to send ethnically cleansed Gazans – and other post-war possibilities; West Bank death; Palestinian prisoners; MacDonalds boycott

Mapping Israeli occupation

Israel and Hamas have declared a ceasefire, but that’s not the end of the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians – not by a longshot. These illustrations show how, even without “war,” Israel’s military controls every aspect of Palestinians’ lives – through occupation and settler colonialism.

Is the United Nations anti-Israel? – a survey of UN resolutions

The United Nations has passed an inordinate number of resolutions critical of Israel (at least seven hundred), but very few critical of Palestine. Is there a good reason for this high number, or is this a case of anti-Israel bias? – or worse yet, anti-Semitism? This analysis breaks it down.

Israel has starring role in H.R.648, “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019”

As Congress tackles urgent issues of reopening government and setting the budget for the country, it takes the time to prioritize a foreign country: H.R.648 contains assurances that Israel will receive $3.8 billion for arms, and funding for refugee resettlement; the bill also includes threats to de-fund the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and any future state of Palestine–if US demands (dictated by the Israel lobby) are not met.