Tags: Israeli settlements

In recordbreaking heat, Israel intentionally impedes Palestinian families’ access to water

Is this water apartheid? Recent viral videos show Israeli Civil Administration overseeing as Israeli soldiers and workers fill Palestinian water wells with cement – in the middle of a sweltering summer. Was this a fluke, or part of a massive, discriminative strategy on Israel’s part? The answer will become clear as we sift through the evidence.

Biden’s grotesque pro-Israel career in a nutshell by Jeremy Scahill & Paul Abowd. Beginning in 1973, Biden has a long track record of supporting some of Israel’s worst atrocities… Its killing of women and children in Lebanon, its bombings of Gaza… He’s boasted about his relationship with Netanyahu, and for decades has worked to funnel money to Israel. This is a must-view exposé.

Mapping Israeli occupation

Israel and Hamas have declared a ceasefire, but that’s not the end of the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians – not by a longshot. These illustrations show how, even without “war,” Israel’s military controls every aspect of Palestinians’ lives – through occupation and settler colonialism.

UN Report On Israeli Settlements Speaks Truth, World Refuses To Listen

Photo from May 14, 2019 of the Israeli settlement of Neve Yaakov in the northern area of east Jerusalem and the Palestinian district of Hizma (background) in the West Bank. (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI) The latest UN report states that Israel’s “civilian settlements” in occupied territory are a breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and…

Israeli Government Target Educational Institutions, Escalate Settlements Activities

Israeli settler violence – with IDF complicity – is becoming more and more commonplace, even targeting elementary schools. The government has also approved extensive Israeli settlement expansions and Jewish-only roads to be built on Palestinian land, which will result in isolation of Palestinian communities and loss of olive trees.

In addition, Jerusalem has seen an increase in extremist Jewish visits to the Al-Aqsa mosque.