Tags: DNC

Israeli settlers destroy truckloads of aid, as Israeli forces watch, Gazans starve – Day 220

Humanitarian aid trucks attacked (not for the first time); US is angry but impotent (not for the first time); Israel targets aid worker’s car, has no explanation (not for the first time); 450,000 Gazans evacuated from shelters (not for the first time); incitement by Israeli settlers, ministers; US military officer resigns; DNC afraid to hold debate about Gaza; campus protest update; more

Draft Democratic platform fails to endorse justice for Palestinians

Palestinian rights are becoming mainstream, and support for Israel is declining – especially among Democrats. But you’d never guess it from the Democratic Party platform. (If you’re not happy with this, there’s a place you can upload a short video telling the DNC what you want the platform to contain…)

Israel partisans make Perez Democratic National Committee chair, defeat Keith Ellison

Haim Saban called Ellison “anti-Israel” and anti-Semitic. The ADL called on Democrats to reject him. Alan Dershowitz said he’d leave the party if Ellison were elected chair; Jack Rosen of the American Jewish Congress, emailed DNC members the day before the vote saying Ellison threatened the U.S.-Israel relationship. Perez, on the other hand, courted pro-Israel activists: “One of the privileges of my life was getting to travel to Israel and meet someone who is one of my heroes, Shimon Peres. Uncle Shimon, to me…”