Tags: amputation

Starvation deepens as Israel makes excuses, US and Germany provide cover – Day 263

Another child dies of malnutrition as 96% of Gazans face severe food insecurity; dozens killed in Israeli attacks; ten child leg amputations a day; medicine running out; Israeli military dog attacks Gazan woman; former Shin Bet leader calls for end to the occupation, criticizes Netanyahu on CNN; Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent; 43 Jewish groups pressure Wikipedia; Israel lies about Hind Rajab, 6; Israeli reservist refusers; Netanyahu sweetens deal for reservists; more.

Gideon Levy: A Young Gazan’s Dream, Amputated

Alaa ad-Dali is a young man who had a dream – quite a rare thing in Gaza – and it was crushed by the IDF. What does he have left? 138 young people in Gaza have lost legs in the protests at the fence as a result of IDF sniper fire, and they aren’t even a story. Their motivations don’t interest anyone. They are all labeled “terrorists.”

Gunshot Gaza: hospitals struggle to treat surge in firearms injuries

Medical work in Gaza is impeded by the unmanageable number of wounded, the complex injuries that will require multiple follow-up procedures, and the shortage of supplies. Add to that the difficulty in getting permission for patients to seek medical attention outside the country – it adds up to an impossible situation.

Israeli Troops First Shot a Gaza Journalist’s Left Leg, Then His Right. And They Didn’t Stop There

Yousef Kronz was well within Israel’s designated “safe zone” in Gaza, wearing a Press vest, when he was shot in both legs. A young man who ran to help him was shot in the leg as well. Then Israel refused Yousef passage to the West Bank for treatment that would have saved at least one of his legs.