Tags: Anti-Defamation League

Israeli leaders angry that tortured Gazan prisoners were released, not that they were tortured – Day 269

More testimonies of Israeli torture; Shujayea attack continues; Khan Younis evacuation orders; Israel plans “humanitarian bubbles” in Gaza; journalist killed; skin diseases on the rise; West Bank woman & child killed; Israel plans ground operation in Lebanon; Israeli settler violence ongoing; widespread condemnation of Israel’s rampant home demolitions; ADL suing foreign countries; Israel needs 10K more soldiers; anti-encampment bill in Congress; more.

Starvation deepens as Israel makes excuses, US and Germany provide cover – Day 263

Another child dies of malnutrition as 96% of Gazans face severe food insecurity; dozens killed in Israeli attacks; ten child leg amputations a day; medicine running out; Israeli military dog attacks Gazan woman; former Shin Bet leader calls for end to the occupation, criticizes Netanyahu on CNN; Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent; 43 Jewish groups pressure Wikipedia; Israel lies about Hind Rajab, 6; Israeli reservist refusers; Netanyahu sweetens deal for reservists; more.

Mandela: “our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians” – Day 95

A special bond between Palestine and South Africa; OCHA reports on Israel’s antagonism over humanitarian aid; deadly airstrike in Deir Al Balah; white-flag-waving grandmother killed; Israel’s bombing and climate change; Blinken claims don’t pass the smell test; ADL number-crunching; Palestinian prisoner annual report

Adidas gives ADL, known for bigotry,   million for ‘anti-bigotry’ project

Adidas just pledged over $1 million to the ADL for the organization to create “a new anti-bigotry curriculum for student athletes,” despite the ADL’s history of support for discrimination and human rights violations. Adidas previously partnered with Israel, and was pressured to walk away over Israel’s systemic human rights abuses. It’s time for Adidas to walk away again…

ADL trying to exploit movement for ‘socially conscious investment’

The ADL wants ‘socially conscious’ Jewish investors to keep investing in Israel, even though it’s not socially conscious to do so… ADL head says Jewish community should use its power, as with the cancellation of Kanye West, despite what some consider an unfair double standard… ADL may ultimately have an uphill battle as growing numbers of Jewish Americans consider Israel an apartheid regime

ADL changes its definition of racism to make Whoopi Goldberg ‘guilty’

The ADL has just changed its definition of racism following backlash over recent remarks by Whoopi Goldberg about racism and the Holocaust. This isn’t the first time the ADL has changed a definition for a political purpose…And it’s not the first time Whoopi has come under fire by Israel partisans – in 2012 she was attacked for a tweet about Gaza…

Jewish groups demand another billion dollars to Israel

We, the undersigned 12 national Jewish organizations ask you to take firm action in support of Israel’s security…. This legislation would provide $1 billion (on top of the over $3.8 billion Israel already gets)…