Tags: international law

As it defends its planned genocidal Rafah invasion before ICJ, Israel vows to “intensify” raids – Day 223

Israel prepares a large-scale attack on Rafah, after massive destruction in the north and massive loss of life; aid orgs running out of medical supplies, food; West Bank also under attack; HRW reports on Israel’s failure to follow ICJ’s orders – as Israel is hauled up before the court yet again; multiple countries (not including US) pressure Israel to comply with int’l law; Japan calls out Lindsay Graham’s bad taste; US-built pier is operational; Texas governor Greg Abbott sued; more

Fighter jets, attack drones hammer Rafah; catastrophe looms – Day 217

Israel expands its attack of Rafah; Biden admin reports that Israeli use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza “likely violated international humanitarian law”; food catastrophe looms as Israel continues to block aid trucks; South Africa wants ICJ to intervene in Rafah; UN General Assembly strongly supports Palestine’s quest for statehood; Israel withholds millions it owes Palestinian Authority; UN wants investigation into mass graves in Gaza

Terrifying Israeli attack on Rafah, more mass graves, more int’l law violations – Day 214

Rafah nightmare; another cache of buried Gazan bodies; Israeli hostage dies from Israeli bombing; evacuation orders not compliant with int’l law; Biden drags feet on Israel report; settlers attack aid trucks (again) as famine grows; cousin of extremist Meir Kahane rams Columbia pro-Palestine protesters; US reportedly delays shipment of one-ton bombs to Israel; news on ceasefire proposal…

“This morning is one of the darkest in this 7-month-long nightmare,” “The Israeli occupation has sentenced the residents of the Strip to death” – Day 213

Terror in Rafah as Israeli troops move in – in spite of Hamas’ agreement to ceasefire deal; 600,000 children at risk; Israel’s evacuation plan for Rafah does not meet with US approval, and may be a violation of int’l law; Netanyahu is on the hook for ceasefire decision and leaked “top secret” letter from 2018; UN experts on sexual assault of Palestinians; Republican senators threaten ICC prosecutor; campus protest and Freedom Flotilla news, more

Nationwide, Palestine supporters demand their free speech rights – Day 204

Protests and repression throughout the US; Israeli airstrike kills family members of revered poet; more UNRWA cases closed; Palestinians to be represented in Olympics; ceasefire talks; Gaza water crisis; State Dept memo: Israel may be violating int’l law; Biden snubs Muslim American voters…

Mass graves in Gaza reveal mass executions – Day 192

Mass graves containing Palestinian bodies found in multiple Gaza locations; released Gazan prisoners report abuse by Israeli forces; humanitarians face “hostile” environment, Israel breaking promise to increase aid; “unprecedented” levels of contamination in northern Gaza; Israel announces tents to be built ahead of attack on Rafah; Israel obstructing UN probe, Israelis obstructing aid; Israel and Iran violated int’l law; West Bank deaths as Israeli settlers and military team up, more

Land Day commemorates land lost to Israeli confiscation – Day 176

On Land Day, Palestinians control less of their land than ever; 400 Palestinians reportedly dead in hospital siege; US-Israel intel sharing may be contributing to civilian deaths in Gaza; Israel comes clean on 2 (out of 33,000) Gazan deaths; yet another flour massacre; UK playing fast and loose with int’l law; more 

Reports: executions of children, unarmed men by Israel – Day 173

Euro-Med reports 13 children executed in last week; footage of Israeli forces executing, burying unarmed men; the horror of childhood in Gaza; aid sites, hospitals are death traps; Biden admin’s self-contradiction on the world stage; poll says Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza; Israel prepares to censor Al Jazeera; Palestinians suspicious of US temporary pier; State Dept officer’s public resignation; German citizenship test; Netanyahu reaches out, more

“Gaza has shattered humanity’s records for its darkest chapters” – Day 172

“Hellish’ conditions throughout Gaza; 3 Palestinians killed in West Bank; Hezbollah’s promise to leave Israel alone; US may take till May to decide whether Israel is in compliance with int’l law; Israel: “UN resolution means nothing”; post-UN resolution, post-ICJ decision, Israel has made no changes; US refuses to stop aid airdrops after 18  deaths; “there could have been milk”; UN confirms genocide charge; who is arming Israel?

Questions, controversies, tempers swirl around UNSC ceasefire resolution – Day 171

Egos, assumptions, denialism accompany passage of UN Security Council resolution; meanwhile, another confirmation of genocide by Israel; German support for UNRWA; air drop deaths; hospitals under siege; Israel’s “compliance” with int’l law, more