Tags: military court

Action Alert! Tell Congress Issa Amro is a man of peace, not a criminal!

Issa Amro has been resisting Israel’s efforts to take over the Palestinian city of Hebron since 2003. A verdict is imminent in the sham trial against him, and he needs to know he’s not alone. Use this form to contact Congress – they voted to give Israel over $10 million per day; they must now tell Israel to cease its wrongdoing and drop all charges against Amro…

In Three Years, Israeli Military Courts Have Fined Palestinians  Million

Israeli military courts not only have a 99% conviction rate when it comes to Palestinian prisoners, but in many cases they also impose exorbitant fines and unreasonable prison sentences. Last month, one Palestinian was convicted of throwing a stone at security forces from an unknown distance. The stone did not hit anyone and caused no damage. He was sentenced to six months and a day in prison and fined 2,000 shekels (about $500).

Intensifying injustice: capital punishment in Israel

As Israel considers adopting the death sentence for Palestinians, it is worth recalling that under occupation, Palestinians already face harsh injustice and that such a law would be illegal according to international law. The examples of Elor Azaria’s 9-month prison term for killing an unarmed, injured Palestinian at point-blank range, and Ahed Tamimi’s 8-month sentence for slapping an IDF soldier, indicate that the Israeli “justice” system is already severely lopsided.

Eyewitness descriptions of Israeli military court proceedings: “Great injustice”

Two young Palestinian men, Abdul-Khaliq Burnat and  Mohammed Tamimi, had their day in (Israeli military) court last weekend. They have much in common: they both come from prominent nonviolent activist families, both are victims – along with their families and entire towns – of collective punishment, and it looks like neither young man will be going home anytime soon.