Support for Palestinian human rights in Congress may be on the rise at last: In 2 separate letters, House members slam range of Israel policies, and five senators call on Israel to vaccinate Palestinians.
Tags: unrwa
Under Israeli blockade, Gaza’s families suffer malnutrition and misery
Israel persists in making life so miserable for Palestinians that many who can leave do just that – even if it costs them their lives. First-hand reports from Gaza about malnutrition, incendiary balloons, etc.
What Valentine’s Day Means In Gaza, Palestine
Hani Almadhoun’s reflection on Valentine’s Day and what it means for Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip… you used to know it was Valentine’s Day season when the best pop songs were released, everyone on the streets was wearing red, and all the locally grown roses were nearly sold out…
Action Alert: send your member of Congress to learn about impact of cuts to UNRWA
In response to the Trump administration’s cutting off of funding to UNRWA, our members of Congress need to step in, get educated, and stand with Palestinians in their time of need. Every congressperson should attend the upcoming briefing.
Ecumenical Statement on Current U.S. Policy and Israel/Palestine
Global Ministries and UCC and Disciples leaders were co-signatories in an ecumenical statement sent today to all members of Congress and the Senate, as well as to the White House. The statement focuses on the shifts in US policy and approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The full statement is published here, in its entirety.
Gaza is running out of medicine. The US, which has for decades supported the United Nations agency tasked to help Palestinian refugees, has cut off all funding. We need to step in and pressure our leaders to reverse this decision.
For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine
The Nation magazine reports that a quarter-century after the Oslo agreement, Israel is consolidating its domination by cruel and illegal means—but the global resistance movement is growing.
Trump is willing starve Palestinians into compliance with his Deal of the Century
Palestinians have always had just 3 wishes: a capital someday in Jerusalem, a return to the 1967 borders, and the Right of Return. Between Trump and Israel, there’s nothing left to even dream of: the barest minimum is disappearing – food, medicine, the title of “refugee.”
UN urges Israel and Gaza to ‘step back from the brink’ of war
After IDF’s single largest bombing campaign in Gaza since 2014, & Hamas’ rocket response, a UN rep called for moderation & promised that UN would not forget people of Gaza.
Netanyahu explained Israel’s strategy of using brute strength until Palestinians get the message that incendiary balloons are unacceptable.
Meanwhile, 2 teenage Palestinian boys were killed in Israeli rocket attacks; 4 Israelis were injured by rockets.
UN Security Council to Hold a Session on Palestine
The UN Security Council is meeting Thursday, 25 January, to discuss implementation of UN resolutions on the Palestinian questions. On 22 February, they will also discuss the occupation and the UNRWA situation, which has become dire since the US decided to slash its contribution.