Search Results for: war crime

A chronicle of Israeli actions against Palestinians in 2021

Israel has outdone itself in 2021 – destroying large swaths of Gaza, shooting to kill Palestinian protesters, endangering Palestinian children, and more. Here is a rundown of the year’s violence, covered by numerous IAK posts – with hopes that together, we can work to bring justice and peace in 2022.

Unwilling and Unable: Israel’s Whitewashed Investigations of the Great March of Return Protests

In 2018-19, Israel met a Palestinian nonviolent movement with violence week after week – causing 13,000 Palestinian injuries and 234 deaths – then went through the motions of “investigating” its military’s wrongdoing. The Israeli organization B’Tselem and the Palestine Center for Human Rights combined to produce a detailed report deconstructing the Israeli investigation…

HRW: Facebook, Instagram restrictions facilitate Israel’s abuses of Palestinians

Facebook’s faulty content moderation, plus Israel’s “requests” to the social media company to take down online content, results in unfair restriction on free speech about Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians. HRW calls for widespread investigation.

Israel to get another billion dollars – Time for an Iron Dome for Palestinians

U.S. politicians just voted another billion dollars to Israel – allegedly to protect civilian lives. If they really wish to save civilian lives, it’s time for our Congress members to introduce legislation for a missile defense system for Palestinians, who are being killed in vastly larger numbers… (The post contains a form to contact Congress now!)

Pro-Israel America announces new round of congressional endorsements

Though the midterms are still far off, the bipartisan advocacy group Pro-Israel America has been aggressively promoting candidates ahead of the 2022 midterms – see list. PIA claims that it raised more than $3 million for pro-Israel candidates in the 2020 elections.