Search Results for: prisoners

Israeli forces detain 8-year-old Palestinian child near Hebron

According to Defense for Children International, Israel is the only country that automatically prosecutes children in military courts that lack basic fair trial guarantees; 3 out of 4 experience physical violence. The majority of Palestinian child prisoners are charged with throwing stones, an offense that can lead to a sentence of 10 to 20 years…

FLASHBACK: Making America as ‘secure’ as Israel – Israelis train U.S. police

Every few months local police officers travel to Israel for training in “how to make America more secure.” At the same time, Israeli “experts” are hired in the U.S. to make us “more secure.” The problem is that Israeli “security experts” have perpetrated policies of such cruelty that they’ve made Israelis so insecure that many are leaving Israel…

For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine

The Nation magazine reports that a quarter-century after the Oslo agreement, Israel is consolidating its domination by cruel and illegal means—but the global resistance movement is growing.

On Sunday Israelis shot, injured Palestinians in Gaza, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, abducted others, etc.

Israeli soldiers shot six Palestinians in Gaza, a Palestinian teen in Jericho after the army invaded it accompanying groups of illegal settlers, abducted at dawn six Palestinians in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jenin… Israeli authorities seized large containers of children’s clothing on their way to the besieged Gaza Strip… (See video of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed demonstrator in Palestinian village of Madama in April)