Time after time, US news coverage of the issue begins when Palestinians have committed violence, without noting that this violence was preceded by lethal Israeli violence… including against thousands of nonviolent protesters gathering week after week inside the Gaza ghetto…
Tags: media bias
Media bias in Western coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza
Media experts say some news agencies are ‘legitimizing Israeli war crimes’ in Gaza – through biased coverage, spreading rumors, and failure to contextualize truthfully.
Palestinian-American child killed in Illinois: this is what media reports left out
The killing of a Palestinian-American boy on Friday was neither a random occurrence nor a simple act of Islamophobia. It happened because many media reports misinformed Americans, and politicians, including the President, repeated Israeli spin and disinformation
Why you’re not seeing Palestinian suffering
The media generally has a strong pro-Israel bias, and rarely talks to or about Palestinians. Consumers of content need to be vigilant: notice what is said and what isn’t said.
NYT downplays Palestinian civilian deaths, political motivation for Gaza attack
The Times all but ignored Palestinian civilians killed by Israel’s latest assault on Gaza and dismissed an essential factor in Israel’s calculus — pressure on Netanyahu from the fascistic members of his own coalition… PBS was almost as deferential. Bennett left the large number of Palestinian dead to the last line of his report, and didn’t say that almost all have been civilians… The Times and PBS too are sensitive to the Israel lobby in the U.S.
Social media’s history of suppressing Palestine content
Social media platforms Twitter, Facebook & Instagram have repressed Palestinian voices for years, often at the direction of the Israeli government…
Israel’s latest killing spree – minor news to US media
American mainstream media have averted their gaze (again) from Palestinian suffering. Eleven Palestinian deaths in seven days is apparently not news.
Facebook report concludes company censorship violated Palestinian human rights
The report, published today, said Facebook and Instagram showed bias against Palestinians during a brutal Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip in May 2021.
Dishonest coverage by NPR & NY Times of Israel’s attack on Gaza
Once again, the U.S. mainstream media is missing — or covering up — a central reason that Israel carried out a preemptive attack on Gaza, killing 46 Palestinians, including 16 children.
US mainstream media lets Israel manipulate reports on killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Israel continues its time-honored strategy of manipulating the mainstream U.S. media — this time muddying the coverage of the assassination of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Since 2000, 50 Palestinian journalists have been killed, and the world doesn’t know the names of any of them.