Tags: Gaza

On Aug 9 Israeli airstrikes on Gaza killed Enas Khammash, 23, and her 18-month-old daughter Bayan. Enas was nine-months pregnant with another daughter, whom she had named Hayat, Arabic for “Life.” U.S. news media paid little attention to these deaths, rarely even reporting their names…

International Criminal Court Reaches Out to Palestinian Victims as War Crimes Case Enters Pre-Trial Phase

The ICC is set to begin pre-trial actions for Israeli crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territories since June 13, 2014. But the presiding judge has already ruled once in favor of Israel… is the fix in?
It’s odd that no US media outlets have reported on this major legal development… An Israeli news report said that if a formal investigation commenced it would be “a dramatic step which would impact Israel’s status in the international community.”