Tags: Naftali Bennett

NYC deputy mayor charges Washington Post with antisemitism

NY Jewish Week reports: “A deputy of Mayor Eric Adams has charged the Washington Post with antisemitism for publishing a story about wealthy Jews organizing an advocacy campaign for Israel and pressing the mayor to take action against anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.”

In Israel, religious extremism is pervasive, unchecked

In Israel, religious extremism has gone unchecked in the educational establishment, in top levels of government, and among prominent religious leaders – radicalizing a growing number of Israeli youth and endangering Palestinians.

Israel’s ‘Rule of the Rabbis’ Who Preach Genocide Fuels Holy War

Largely ignored by critics have been Israel’s increasing theocratic tendencies – the growth of Israel’s extremist religious population and the emergence of a class of influential rabbis who endorse the killing of non-Jews and  preach genocide…

How Did Israeli Elections Get So Racist?

Israeli politicians all seem to share a platform plank of vitriol and threats toward Palestinians. Their campaign ads are full of mocking, insults, and accusations against Palestinians. It’s been like this for years, and it’s worse now than ever. And it’s not good for Israel.

Naftali Bennett: “the state of Israel stopped winning”

Two right-wing ministers criticize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not “acting like a real right-wing government” by being too soft on Gaza, Hamas, and Khan al-Ahmar; but they vow to stay in power rather than resigning as Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman did last week.

Israeli police teach schoolchildren how to shoot Palestinians

Israeli police got caught teaching kids how to shoot Palestinians. Police & school staff claim they “noticed” they’d hung up pictures of people in kuffiyehs for target practice, and removed them before any children saw them. The Israeli education minister called it a “serious mishap.” This isn’t the first such incident.

Israeli ministers & Israel Lobby leaders praise appointment of John Bolton as ‘stalwart friend of Israel’

Israeli officials welcome Bolton; other supporters have been AIPAC, American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Orthodox Union, Agudath Israel of America, the Zionist Organization of America, the Republican Jewish Coalition, The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Zionist Organization of America…

Israel says it has suspended planned database of all U.S. Jewish students to target for outreach

Israel’s plan to create a database of all U.S. Jewish college students was sidetracked when it became public. The plan was to be run by a project of Israel’s Diaspora Affairs, whose Minister once said that Israel should kill Palestinian prisoners instead of bringing them to trial. The organization partnered with Hillel and Chabad on a previous project.