Tags: settler violence

Israeli Government Target Educational Institutions, Escalate Settlements Activities

Israeli settler violence – with IDF complicity – is becoming more and more commonplace, even targeting elementary schools. The government has also approved extensive Israeli settlement expansions and Jewish-only roads to be built on Palestinian land, which will result in isolation of Palestinian communities and loss of olive trees.

In addition, Jerusalem has seen an increase in extremist Jewish visits to the Al-Aqsa mosque.

With Israel’s Nation State Law, violence against Palestinians will increase

Israel’s Nation-State Law, celebrated by many Jewish Israelis, is deeply worrying to Palestinian Israelis. Already, after just one month, violence, threats of violence, and discriminatory policies are in high gear – this after decades of unrestrained injustice. And still the world remains silent.

Christians in Jerusalem’s Old City ‘under threat’ from settlers

Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem, seeks worldwide support for maintaining the status quo in Jerusalem, where settler groups are vandalizing church property and covertly buying up land in the Old City; Jerusalem’s city council wants $200 million in back taxes from churches; land may be expropriated. Phone Congress!