Search Results for: al jazeera censor

“Doctors are stepping over bodies of dead children to treat other children who will die anyway” –Day 73

Sanders resolution could begin the march toward accountability in Israel; devastating Gaza hospital news; another journalist killed; what really happened on October 7th – in Israelis’ words; widespread starvation; blood money for Israel, and more

Death, destruction in Gaza “unprecedented and unbearable to witness” – Day 69

Gaza hospitals in crisis amid devastation, journalists at risk; Jenin in shambles; Israeli forces brutally attack CNN photojournalist on camera; Israel says “intense phase” of war to last till end of January; Taylor Swift, Santa Claus, Ilan Pappe harassed; Jewish Voice for Peace stops traffic all over the US on last night of Hanukkah

Apparent mass execution of Gazan women, children, babies – Day 67

Disease, heavy rains, hospitals under siege, apparent mass executions, tunnels being flooded in Gaza; days-long siege of Jenin, 7 killed; widespread prisoner abuse by Israel; Israel will continue “with or without int’l support,” war may spread to West Bank; pope, UN General Assembly overwhelmingly support ceasefire; Biden has mixed messages for Israel.

“Endless tragedy, hell on earth,” now over 18K dead – Day 66

U.N. General Assembly voted to demand ceasefire; 6 major humanitarian groups: “We have seen nothing like the siege of Gaza” ; Committee to Protect Journalist: “deeply alarmed by journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members killed”; Doctors Without Borders: “Israeli attacks have killed at least 5 hospital staff, including two of its doctors while they were caring for their patients”…

Big truths that RFK Jr ignores in his eagerness to support Israel

Longtime journalist Chris Hedges offers a partial inventory of Israel’s documented human rights abuses of Palestinians – massive abuses that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. chooses to ignore: the crimes of apartheid, and the targeting and torturing of civilians, to name a few. As Hedges reminds us, to support this Israel is to “justify the unjustifiable”; and to protest Israeli policy is “a political death wish.” (part 3)